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Suture Sioux ("Sue")

How did you meet Dakota, and what was your first impression of her?

Far east of this place, on what was left of a blacktop eight-lane ribbon when the truck pulling the 'Firm had given up the last ghost amidst the rusted and eroded and half-buried cars abandoned there. Little Sioux couldn't reach the pedals and had tied cans to her feet so she could drive but it wouldn't go anymore and she couldn't make it go and had been stuck there for days and days more and more upset because this wasn't the right place to stop.

Then there's this woman getting out of a truck one morning and she's going car by car, tearing pieces out and putting them in her truck, and when she gets close to the truck-and-trailer she stops because she sees it doesn't look right. She's this old tough looking lady with a hat and wearing a gun.

So Little Sioux hid.

Why does Pox cover up her face?

Pox doesn't cover up her face. Pox wears a surgical mask. She wears it for the same reason that Sioux wears the caduceus and the 'Firm bears the Star of Life. It is a sign of affiliation with something positive; it is not hiding, it is flying a flag or wearing a badge. If Sioux is a whaddaya call one of them doctors then Pox is waddyacall a trauma nurse (like in the books Sioux has). She does not see any negative connotation to wearing the mask, and in fact feels (arguably correctly) that there are only positive ones. Sioux is the face of the 'Firm. Her face is not required -- her role is.