Sir Jean Beaumarchais

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Court: Seelie
Seelie Legacy: Sage
Unseelie Legacy: Rake
Seeming: Childling
Kith: Satyr


Str: 2
Dex: 3
Sta: 4
Cha: 3
Man: 4
App: 3
Per: 2
Int: 1
Wits: 3


Alertness: 1
Athletics: 2
Brawl: X
Dodge: 1
Empathy: 2
Intimidation: X
Kenning: 3
Persuasion: 3
Streetwise: X
Subterfuge: 1
Crafts: 1
Etiquette: 3
Firearms: X
Leadership: X
Melee: X
Performance: 3
Security: X
Stealth: 1
Survival: 1
Computer: X
Enigmas: X
Gremayre: 4
Investigation: X
Law: X
Linguistics: 1 (French Creole)
Lore: X
Medicine: X
Politics: X
Science: X


Primal: 1
Sovereign: 2
Wayfare: 1
Actor: X
Fae: 2
Nature: 3
Prop: 1
Scene: 1
Time: X
Dreamers: 1 (mother)
Remembrance: 2
Resources: 1
Retainer: 1 (nanny)
Title: 2

Other Traits[edit]

Glamour: 5
Willpower: 3
Banality: 1
Past Life: 3-pt
Bard's Tongue: 1-pt
Changeling's Eyes: 1-pt
Curiosity: 2-pt
Compulsion - Unseelie Legacy: 1-pt


Gift of Pan – Singing, music and dance can be used to stir fae and mortals alike to the height of carnal passion. Anyone who fails a Willpower roll (difficulty 7) is swept away by hidden desires and the activities of the evening. After an hour or two, the Banality of the those in the area slowly drops.

Physical Prowess – All satyrs add one to their Stamina, even if this increases it above 5. When they call upon the Wyrd and take their faerie form, or when not in the presence of mortals or the unenchanted, their goat legs can carry them at shocking speeds. Each turn, they can move 25 yards + three times their Dexterity. Regardless of form, satyrs can never botch Athletics rolls.

Passion's Curse – Satyrs are prone to wild mood swings, especially when they're drunk. With the slightest of provocation, they may explode into a torrent of fury or a fit of weeping. Furthermore, on the rare occasions when they try to resist temptation, the difficulties for all Willpower rolls are increased by two.



Jean is 12, but is very tall and broad-shouldered for his age, to the point that he is often mistaken for an adult. His Satyr appearance is actually smaller and more child-like, and he resembles a mischievous kid. In either form, he has startling eyes; his irises are a bright blue, but in certain lights his pupils seem to flash gold.


Jean was raised in very faded luxury in an old plantation house in the Louisiana countryside. He never knew his father and his mother, while loving, was what modern slang calls 'flaky' - caught up in her imagination, dreams and painting. In reality, it was Jean's Creole nanny who brought him up. To his surprise, when his Changeling nature manifested itself, it was this nanny who told him what was happening. Although not a Changeling herself, she was from a long line of mortal retainers to Jean's family. With Jean's help, she persuaded his mother to move to the city and there he was to be introduced to Changeling society proper.