Siraj's Skills

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Arion City- Siraj has been in Arion City a long time. He knows everything about the town, it's streets, it's shortcuts, it's back alleys.

Driving- It's not enough to just know the way around Arion City, you have to be able to drive through the notorious traffic. Siraj has pulled off maneuvers during rush hour that would make most stunt drivers weep in envy.

Conversation- What's the good of having somebody in the back of your cab if you don't get to know them? Sometimes a friendly word or two can make somebody's day.

Streetwise- For some reason people aren't too tight lipped around cabbie. Maybe it's easy to forget they're there. Siraj doesn't just know the streets of Arion City, he knows its secrets too.

Botany- Siraj's pet garden. A hobby to pass the time; pretty flowers and good produce.