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Skrot, Grael Bosun


  • Agility d8
  • Smarts d6
  • Spirit d6
  • Strength d10
  • Vigor d6


  • Climbing d4
  • Fighting d10
  • Streetwise d8
  • Gambling d4
  • Notice d4
  • Boating d8
  • Intimidation d6
  • Persuade d4

Derived Stats:

  • Pace 4
  • Parry 7
  • Charisma 0
  • Toughness 7

Traits: Semi-Aquatic, All Thumbs, Blubber, Dumb, Slow, Size+1, Strength, Overconfident (Major), Loyal (Minor), Close Fighting


  • +1 to Agility
  • +1 Strength
  • Ambidextrous
  • Two Fisted

Cap'n Ziggy (Highly Intelligent Mimic Parrot) Description: Ziggy closely resembles a Great Green Macaw in coloration and size. However he is battle worn and you can see the missing feathers on his head where he was stuck with a musket ball in his youth.

Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d4, Vigor d6 Skills: Fighting d4, Notice d8, Stealth d6 Pace: 1
Parry: 4
Toughness: 3 Booty: None.
Special Abilities:
• Bite/Claws: Str+1d4
• Flight: Pace 6
• Mimicry: Ziggy can repeat animal noises and entire conversations he has heard before with amazing clarity. A listener must make a Notice (–4) roll to realize the sounds are mimicked. Though not fully intelligent his extensive repertoire gives him the uncanny ability to hold conversations.
• Small -2: Ziggy stands 2' tall. Attackers subtract 2 from attack rolls because of his small size.
• Danger Sense: He can sense when something bad is about to happen to his 'Matey'. Anytime Cap'n Ziggy's companion is about to be the victim of a surprise attack, ambush, or other nasty surprise, Ziggy cries out SHAARRKS! preventing his companion from being caught unawares. Mechanically Ziggy's Boon Companion is on hold for the first round of combat in these conditions.
• Quirk (Minor): Cap'n Ziggy must have magpie in his bloodline somewhere. He'll sometimes fly off and disappear for days looking for nuts, toys, etc. He occasionally randomly bites people and steals things, flying off to the crows' nest with them.
• Boon Companion: Cap'n Ziggy develops a mild telepathic connection with his companion. He will do things like flying recon, stealing keys, only after careful mind meld (a successful SPIRIT roll TN4 , raises required for complex tasks) and probably in return for unreasonable amounts of treats.

Gear: Grael Boarding Axe: 1d8 Belaying Pin 1d4

Skrot is a two fisted tavern brawling legend of a Grael, an oversized hand axe in one hand and a heavy cudgel in the other. People talk to Skort because its easier to be his friend than his enemy. Skort is damn sure he can take on anything. Instead of the usual sarong favored by his people Skort has taken to wearing something a drinking buddy brought with him through the cross. Its like his old sarong, but heavier... a leather kilt.