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SNAP PL10 (150pp)

ABILITIES: STR: 10 (+0), DEX: 16 (+3), CON: 14 (+2), INT: 18 (+4), WIS: 10 (+0), CHA: 16 (+3)

SKILLS: Bluff 12 (+15), Concentration 5 (+5), Diplomacy 7 (+10), Drive 3 (+6), Knowledge (current events) 6 (+10), Knowledge (history) 2 (+6), Knowledge (popular culture) 2 (+6), Knowledge (tactics) 6 (+10), Language (Arabic, Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish), Medicine 5 (+5), Notice 7 (+7/+15 [Track Teleport]), Profession (travel agent) 5 (+5), Search 6 (+10), Sense Motive 6 (+6)

FEATS: Attack Focus (melee) 4, Defensive Roll 4, Dodge Focus 4, Equipment 1, Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative 1, Redirect, Set-Up, Taunt

POWERS: Teleport 10 [Accurate +1; Change Direction, Change Velocity, Easy, Turnabout, Progression x3 (1000 lbs.), Alternate Power x3] (43 pp) AP: Teleport 10 [Attack +0, Perception Range +2] AP: Deflect (all ranged attacks) 10 [Move Action +1] AP: Snap’s Wild Ride (Linked Teleport and Stun) Teleport 10 [Attack +0, Perception Range +2, Full-Round Action -1, Requires melee attack roll -1] Stun 10 [Perception Range +2, Full-Round Action -1, Requires melee attack roll -1]

Super-Senses: Teleport Awareness, Track Teleport, Notice +8 [Track Teleport only, -1], Teleport Destination Sense, Uncanny Dodge (mental) (5 pp)

EQUIPMENT: Costume: Protection 2 [Subtle], Strike 1 [Mighty]

COMBAT: Attack +6 (+10 melee); Damage +0 (unarmed) / +1 (costume); Defense +12 (+4 flat-footed); Initiative +7

SAVES: Toughness +8 (+4 flatfooted / +2 without costume), Fortitude +5, Reflex +8, Will +5

Abilities 24 + Skills 19 (76 ranks) + Feats 18 + Powers 48 + Combat 28 + Saves 13 – Drawbacks 0 = 150

  • Default Teleport is not Subtle, so there’s some noticeable effect. A “bamf” noise is traditional, but I like the idea of a flash of light and a noise like a small firecracker or somebody snapping their fingers.
  • The basic Teleport ability here lets Snap move a large couch and all its occupants to anywhere on the planet that she can reasonably imagine. In tactical combat, she can be anywhere on the battlefield long enough to pull off one action, and then safely back to wherever she started.
  • The Teleport Attack is resistible through a Reflex save (with +4/rank of Immovable) or by anything else that might make it difficult to target the victim, like Concealment or Insubstantial. If it’s used for indirect damage, I recommend a strict ceiling of +10 – dropping somebody from 100 feet up, for example.
  • Other teleport tricks: Dropping an object onto somebody (should give a Reflex save to avoid completely, and possibly require a ranged attack roll to hit a moving target; shouldn’t be possible against targets moving very quickly), dropping somebody onto somebody else (as above), putting an object into a moving character’s path (at least give a Reflex save to avoid completely).
  • The Deflect is just making multiple 5-foot jumps around a central point to avoid incoming attacks, so it can’t be used for anything clever like catching arrows.
  • Snap’s Wild Ride works like this: Snap teleports next to anybody she can see (within 900 yards) and attempts to grab them (a basic melee attack, no chance for a critical hit). If she succeeds, she teleports and attempts to take the target with her (granting a Reflex save, as with Teleport Attack). She then makes multiple short jumps within a few hundred yards, finally dropping the passenger anywhere she likes within the original range. The passenger may be disoriented by the trip (Fort save vs. Stun 10).
  • Her Teleport Destination Sense is just a vague “psychic radar” that keeps her from jumping into objects, and is not useful against concealed enemies. The only way she’s going to embed herself in a wall is if she jumps blind and critically fails her Notice check, and how likely is that?
  • Other horrible ways to die while teleporting: Jumping underwater or into thick smoke and then failing the Concentration roll long enough to suffocate; jumping onto unstable ground and failing to react quickly enough; jumping into the path of a moving vehicle; accidentally jumping into orbit.
  • She’s also a total feint-monkey, showing up next to enemies just long enough to freak them out, trick them into attacking allies, or pull their weapons out of their hands. Basically, Snap is mistress of the battlefield, reshaping the fight by being everywhere and nowhere at the same time. On the other hand, she’s also very fragile if caught off guard, and has limited options for direct damage against a well-prepared enemy.

(Credit: Troubleshooter from the Atomic Thinnk Tank)