Solomon Ogrous, Guilder and Intellectual

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Game Info: Half-Ogre Expert 2/Fighter 1 (ECL4)

Solomon stands well over 7 feet tall and is heavily muscled. His body is covered in dense brown tufts of hair and his skin is an earthy brown. His features are not quite as neanderthal as a pure ogre but he has a large nose and a distinctly prominent brow that merely lends to a constant pondering look on his face. He is normally dressed in a homemade-looking armour and carries a large axe strapped to his back.

Despite his appearance, Solomon is a polite, thoughtful, quite shy character. A good friend and somewhat of a philosopher, he continual surprises those not used to him with his knowledge and learning. He hopes one day to attend the great university in Duathol, though those who know how such things work suspect that the university would be far too snobbish to ever let him in. However, this seems unlikely to be a problem as the cost is prohibitive and, as talented a guilder as Solomon is, he is some way off being able to afford that yet.