Sols Crushing Ray Battleship

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The Sol's Crushing Ray Battleship was a skyship variant of light battleship class from the same time as the Dawning Sun Indomitable-Class Heavy Battlecruiser. This ship is larger and more heavily armed and is constructed with the purpose to blow anything out of the air. Armed with a bristling array of heavy essence weaponry and with thick orichalcum armor this vessel could defeat fleets alone. However, as of this day no ship is known to remain. These large vessels vere often at the front of the battle and took heavy casualities during the wars in the High First Age. These losses were seldom replaced with new ships but with Thousand Forged Dragons and were considered largely redundant with the Titan class platforms developed. As of the last three decades before the Usurpation only six were known to remain. Two were destroyed during fighting in the Usurpation, one had been recently de-comissioned and remained so and one had been lost for the last ten years in the Wyld. As the Captain of the lost ship Exalted again during the Usurpation the ship was marked as lost forever. The two ships that remained intact were soon de-constructed into its several parts as the Shogunate realised they could neither control nor maintain the large ships.


The Sol's Crushing Ray Battleship class looks much as a huge whale shark with an odd-looking structure on top. The whole construction is over 120 yards long nose to tail with a 25 yard wide hull with further 20 yard fins on each side. The majority of its heavy weapons is mounted in large low towers on top of the body. Several lighter emplacements are spread out over the ship for point-defence against smaller attackers.


The ship requires one Solar captain who commits 15m to work at optimum level. The internal reactors feed all of the ship's systems with power. The Solar can also leave the ship running for up to a week as long as he keeps the ship attuned.


Speed: 25/50mph in air, 15/30mph in water
Maneuverability: -2S
Endurance: None
Crew: 1/1 The ship only requires a single Solar captain, but often more crewmembers are added to positions as navigation and artillery as well as repair and maintenance crew.
Cargo: One wing of infantry or crew as well as cargo area for approx a talon of infantry or two warstriders or combi-nation/equivalent.
Armor: 55B/55L
Health Levels: Ux70/Mx40/Cx20/Ix15/D

  • One quad lightning ballista (can either be fired in salvoe, where the gun fires once and uses the same roll for all attacks or as a Rate 4 weapon). Mounted on forward deck in 270-degrees swiveling turret.
  • Two double heavy implosion bows (Can be fired with rate 2/4 or 1/2 or in salvoe with Rate 1/4). Mounted in 270-degrees swivelling turrets, one on forward deck and one on aft.
  • Two bow-mounted very large essence cannons each has a 135-degree angle of fire both forward to down and forward to left or right (depending on positioning with another 45-degrees up and to the other side.
  • Two twin light implosion bows mounted in 180 degree swivelling turrets, one on each side of the ship. These are capable of firing up to 90 degrees up. These are fired as implosion bows with rate 2.
  • Four twin light essence cannons mounted in point defence positions. Two on each side. These souped-up weapons fire with rate 3.
  • Two quad light essence cannons mounted in point defence positions. One front one aft.