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PL 9; PP 135 ; HP 4
Abilities: [14 pp] Str 12, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 12
Saves: Dmg +1 (+0 Prt), Fort +1, Ref +5 (1 + 4 Amazing Save), Will +1
Combat: [29 pp] Attack: Melee +6, Ranged +6, Mental +6 Defense: 18/17, Mental 18 Init +1; Run 30/60/120, Fly 45/90/180; Size Medium
Skills: [30 pp] Bonus: Str +1, Dex +1, Con +1, Int +1, Wis +1, Cha +1 Bluff +7 (6), Knowledge (Freedom City) +6 (5), Listen +7 (6), Spot +6 (5), Taunt +9 (
Feats: [4 pp] Point Blank Shot, Ultra Hearing
Powers: [58 pp] Amazing Save (Reflex) +4 [Cost 1 pp; Total 4 pp]
Energy Control (Sonic) +9 [Extras: Energy Blast, Flight, Force Field, Obscure (hearing), Obscure (hearing); Cost 6 pp; Total 54 pp]