Spartan PL12

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Alternate Identity: HADRIAN 7, John COLT, Yon KHOL Group Affiliation: WILDCATS (former leader) First Appearance: WildC.A.T.S #1 Power Level: 12 (180pp)

Str: 18 (+14, super strength +10) Dex: 15 (+2) Con: 18 (+4) Int: 19 (+4) Wis: 17 (+3) Cha: 15 (+2) Total: 34pp

Base Attack Bonus: 5 Melee: 9 Ranged: 8/9 (aerial combat) Total: 15pp

Base Defense Bonus: 5 Adjusted Defense Bonus: +9 Initiative: +2 Cost: 10pp

SAVES Damage: +4 Fort: +4 Ref: +2 Will: +3


Super Strength+10 [extra: flight, extra: protection, extra: regeneration +2 (extra: reincarnate (flaw: downloaded personality), extra: energy blast, extra: datalink, extra: immunities +5; cost: 90pp; source: science]

Total: 90pp


Attack Focus (blast), Leadership, aerial combat, heroic surge, Durability

Cost: 10pp

Skills: Balance + 5, computers +6, Diplomacy +6, disable device +6, listen +5, pilot +5, spot+5. Total: 18pp

Grand Total: 180pp