Spatchi and Alvah talk, and fight

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Michael James Watson

Back in camp it does seems like things have stabilized. The hamlet seems to be going about business ignoring the pattern and the Elites. The elites have their tents moved from their original position to one on the far side of the pattern. A pavilion is set up near the pattern starting point with chairs and a table. Spatchi sits in one and a few elites are scattered around the tent. Others in the distance seems to be doing fight drills. nearly half of the hundrerd are un accounted for visually.

Amber Bronkhorst

Seeing Spatchi she inhales once deep lets her breath go and starts walking towards the tent. She figures now or never.. ripping off band aids.. biting through the icebath.. all those analogies. When walking up she holds up her hand to show that she is intented to talk to Spatchi. She says when near enoug. "Lueitenant do you have a moment?"

Michael James Watson

She stands, motions a head at the others who move away. "Of course, Lady Alvah. How may I be of service?"

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah stops at a proper distance and if Spatchi would take a swing at her that she had a chance tp dodge. She waits till the others have moved away. Alvah contemplates first does she follow Vek his advice or not... "Vek is going to summon a masoja of earth and guard soon. To help build the keep and roads. He requested you to be there as well. It will be in a few hours the ritual takes time to set up." Only when finished talking does Alvah dare to look up a bit more.

Michael James Watson

"I will be ready when he wishes. I wouldn't want to disrupt his preparations but i have some things to discuss with his lordship. It might be important to his preparations. I have the layout of a castle that will provide suitable defenses and lodgings for him and his.....entourage...Can you lead me to him, your ladyship?" She hesitates.. "Although, i do have business with you if you can spare a moment before taking me the the Lord of Veksdale?"

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah being as awkward as she can be. A short nod is provided when Spatchi asks to be brought to Vek. Hearing she wants a moment she turns again towards Spatchi "Yes actually i wanted to talk to you as well. So i have time for you of course. What is on your mind?"

Michael James Watson

SHe waves to the group that had been sitting with her. A man comes over, 6', thin but clearly strong. He wears the Elite Duty uniform but the buttons in the front are open, showing he is off duty. He buttons them as approaching. His has dark curly hair one might call unkept. He bears a duty short sword and a Rasak knife but what catches her eyes is the brass knuckles on both hands. HE comes near Spatchi, "Lady Alvah of Amber, this is Drace Cazo." She smiles at him, "But you prefer Cazo, right?' The man nods. "He is a native of New Delri City, and was a frequenter of Neal's Diner and Random's card club there. An MMA fighter on that Uarth world. He saved the kings life and as payment was brought to Amber, has served in TAzilwere, Diaga, and done work with Amber/CHAD forces on the road. He has been a guard at Random's Card Club there for a few years."

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah looks over the man noticing the brass knuckles the Rasak knife she politely inclines her head to the man "Pleasure to meet you, Cazo." She then turns to Spatchi and tilts her head wondering what her intention or goal is.

Michael James Watson

He says, "Its a pleasure. This is my first posting as a Protective Elite. As I understand my obligations I am not to interfere with your lifestyle but I should be in attendance anytime you travel into regions of risk. I am a good boxer so I am told you tend toward rough trade and I will be able to provide any back up you need. I am an expert marksman and driver. I will be with the LT while on the world but when you travel elsewhere I will be ready to attend you day or night." He nods, "The only issue is lodgings. I am currently billited with the Pattern Guards and this place is pretty small. If you wish me in closer proximity I can put a V Tent anyplace around here. I'll chow with the guards unless otherwise directed. Do you have any questions for me, Lady Alvah?"

Amber Bronkhorst

Hearing what is said she first politly nods again to Cazo, Then with a look of disbelief she looks at Spatchi. After a moment she turns back to Cazo and shakes her head "No, no questions. I'll be here mostly as i brought the pattern here, i too will fulfil pattern guard duty. " She turns her eyes back to Spatchi "well that is clear. As for my part. I just wanted to say i am sorry for what happened. I just didn't want to get you killed, or worse. As my intend was to go there raise hell and not come back."

Michael James Watson

"And how did that work out? I was promoted to Pattern Duty and had a mark put on my record for a failed protective detail. But I learned how to make a good horchata and a great huevos Rancheros so i guess that balances out. You won't have the same problem with Cazo that you had with me. Shall we go see the Lord of Veksdale, M'lady?"

Amber Bronkhorst

Gesturing to the pattern "well i fucking failed at dying and brought a pattern. that is how that went. And i realized to late i fucked things up with you. But that is just because i am an impulsive idiot. And i had no problems with you." Alvah shakes her head takes a deep breath and then holds up her shoulders in a shrug "But fine as you wish, we can go see Vek now." Slightly shaking her head she starts to walk but not to fast waiting for Spatchi to join up.

Michael James Watson

Coming to the opening in the woods just outside the hamlet Vek has a stack of stones set and a book and candles upon it. Vek says, "I am almost ready. Spatchi, its good to see you. I know things have been in a swirl and i hadn't gotten a chance to talk to you. I assume your guard is established?" "Yes, Lord Vek,: she says, " Here are some plans for the castle. It should secure the pattern completely enough. And provide housing for troops and a seat of government. While the 4th Corps is able to do the construction i understand you are calling a dufiro. These plans will be easy enough for it to follow." Vek takes the plans, thumbs through them. "Thank you for these. I won't need them. I will be summoning a Masoja of Earth and Guard. It will liquefy stone from a thousand miles from here, the heart of this mountain, and bring it here. He and I will mold it like clay and he will solidify it as solid stone. IT will be a sprawling 1 story building with 1/4 of the arc of the pattern conneted to it. the rest of the pattern will have a stone wall 3' high ending on the cliff's edge. The pattern will be open to the sky, bound to the earth, able to look out on the waters, and see the fire of the sun set at dusk. That will do. Now, you and Alvah kiss and make up or I will spank the stubornness out of both of you, and not in a fun way. Ok? Now, you both take a long walk and come back when i'm done" Spatchi looks shaken, and scowls, looking at Alvah then Vek, "Sir, I am afraid these plans have been approved by King Random and he will expect them to be followed. As for Lady Alvah and I we have spoken, expressed our views and there is nothing you can do about that." Vek turns and in an eye's blink is in his chaos form. "Is that so? Nothing I can do about it? Random isn't here and he can only get here at the moment by walking the pattern or calling me or Alvah on the Trump. If he does not like the building I build he can come tear it down and I am willing to be he won't. " He flings the plans down in front of the stones where they burst into flames. "As for You and Alvah making nice, it does not feel like either of you is nice about it. Now i have a shadow that has gravity downward in a shadow with no planet and a bar of light 1 au from the place i can start the two of you falling. The shadow does not allow shapechange or magic. So you will be falling a very long time. Long enough to talk but the wind will be very loud. Alvah knows the woods around her so let her lead you out there where you two can scream to your hearts content. I'll have hordourves sent out. If you give me any lip i'll turn the both of you into turtles and put you on treedmils. DO I make myself clear?"

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah leans back while Spatchi and Vek discuss plans. Or well Vek denies the plans and tells his own. When Spatchi says they have spoken about it she shrugs a bit. Finally she nods to Vek "Yes very clear, we can just follow a part of the path. " She takea a step closer to Spatchi "Look whatever i can do.. i know sorry doesn't cover it. " She then takes a few steps towards the forest. "Lets walk amd talk amd if you want hit me on the nose."

Michael James Watson

Spatchi wanders with her, silently for an hour before saying, "Considering you... and me... and this place...Do you think he would really turn us into turtles? Do you think he could? Part of me wants to make him try but im pretty sure he could do it to me"

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah stays silenr as well juat enjoying the forest and their surroundings. Sjw rhen looks at Spatchi and on a dead serious tone. "Hm he is very skilled in shapechanging and could perhaps have our bodies shapechange yes." She then looks at Spatvhi with a grin. "You want to test him? Be my guest i'm sure he could do it to me as well. He knows pretty well how i work."

Michael James Watson

"So do I. OK...I'll tell you one thing then you can tell me why I am wrong and we can tell him we talked. When you left...You dismissed me like a servant, a pet, rather then giving me the chance to agree to stay behind if that what you wanted. When King Random asked me what happened all I could say is that you snuck out on me and i didn'know you had gone. Then you were in dire duress, nearly died, somehow brough the pattern here, and all Random could say was it was a good thing she didn't die because you would have been sent to Embassy duty in Cynasure for a century. Or maybe relived of duty and discharged." "You may have thought you were doing me a favor, but you treated me like a child"

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah stops in her tracks and looks at Spatchi " i know and that is why i a horrible piece of shit, for what i did to you. And i should have gone talk to you. You would have talked me out of it.... but i knew that, so in my apparently suicidal mood i just said fuck all and everyone and just wrote the notes. " She scoffs "Amd Random shouldn't say shit about things he doesn't know. I purposefully left you because i knew where i went i would probably get killed. And that is what i wanted at that point raise some.hell and done. If you went with me that wouldn't happen. You would protect me... pull me out you know do your duty. And.... i was just an inconsiderate idiot.... not thinking what effect this would have on you." She laughs a bit crazy like... "That was the last time i talk to my dad though or at least without others around.." She looks up at Spatchi and says in a sincere tone. "I am very sorry i should not have treated you that way.. it was not my intention... but i did and it was a dick move on my part."

Michael James Watson

She looks a bit shocked the peaks an eye, "Amberites,...I'm going to assume you are sincere not just saying what you think i want to hear. Alright, from here on. I am not your sitter, Cazo is, good luck with that. The next time you feel suicidal or some other form of dangerously unstable come to me. I have no royal obligation to you anymore. I'm just a friend. I can slap you silly without doing 30 days on C level in Amber. After you left Dwy left too. I am told her trump is warm and attempts to reach her have failed. I was also told wherever she is she is not under magical duress or such so Fiona's call was to leave her be till we heard different. But she has a screw loose in her head and i am a bit worried. If you are inclined, and can take the time, I thought maybe you could walk the pattern bring me across, and take us to where ever she is just to check on her"

Amber Bronkhorst

A slight frown on her face she waves her hand. "Spatchi... i might be an Amberite... but i feel no particular strong bond with it... so yes i am sincere, because in Untola while mixing masa everyday, i realized i shouldn't be looking so hard for family.... I should create my own with friends. So yes when feeling suicidal or having had a conversation with my father again i'll go to you." Hearing about Dwy she sighs "Well.fuck.. yeah we need to go after that. I'm sure she is fine. Bit checking on her might be smart. When things have settled here... we can see for time." "And why the good luck with Cazo. It's his first time right as royal sitter? He does not come over as a problem. And if he is stuck with me he must have done something bad..."

Michael James Watson

Spatchi looks back to be sure Caso is out of range. "The rumors is that he has impulse control issues. Gambling. Drinking. Fighting. Screwing. He did well at Randy's Card club..MMA fighter, semi pro but unlucky. He's a native not just of that world, but of that neighborhood. Few Elites advance in rank without doing a protective detail. He's a favorite of Random's. Almost as good at cardsharping as Random. He's a corporal. A year in the detail and he could make sergeant and go back to the Card Room." She pulls a clove cig and lights it. "He would deny it, but I think Random gave him to you because he knows I would try to talk you out of doing foolish things. Caso wouldn't give a second thought to jumping into them with you." She leans against a tree scowling. "You abandoned me to go do something really dangerous. Maybe Random figures if you dodge me, maybe Cazo not questioning your foolish choices means when crap hits the goose, at least you'll have backup if not wise counsel.

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah her eyes start to sparkle with ideas of mischief and chaos. "Oh really, is that the word... " Following example she lights her urala cig and allows herself to enjoy it a moment. "Well, that is just interesting then.... is he there ro influence my behavior or am i intended tk influence his.... I know Random let me go mostly to be a loose canon to kick hornets nests and bulldoze sandcastles... But if he likes Cazo so... wouldn't it be wiser to post him with someone else...." Alvah looks back from where they walked and conciders the situation... "It will be fun to see if the impulse control issues are indeed a thing." She looks at Spatchi. 'I abandoned you to not return.... i would have done the same with Cazo at my side... i didn't want you to die or get hurt."

Michael James Watson

She shouts suddenly, ,"ITS AN ELITE'S JOB TO GET HURT PROTECTING THIER CHARGE!!!!!" She waves her hands and inhales. "I was supposed to be at your side! That was my job!!!" She pro aces off then turns back. "And now it isn't." She takes a tug..."There is another possibility. Elites have a history of doing well following a principal; skills, riches, powers, magic..Random might have posted him in the hope he gains powers, advancements, artifacts, contacts. Proximity to power"

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah looks at Spatchi as she shouts blinking a couple of times surprised. She takes a long draw from her cig and blows the colourful smoke out. She doesn't shout her tone turns colder the more quiet type of angry. Though her rage bubbles up inside her. "Well sorry then, that i robbed you of a job, since i concidered you a friend and not just my protection. I should have taken you with... oh the fun Xolotl would have had with you... and me being as naive, he could have easily manipulated me with you. But you are right i should have knowingly let you walk in the trap and be tortured for ages... " Shrugging she takes another draw blowing it out she talks. "Sorry that i actually cared and cared for you... how silly of me." A short cold laugh "Right proximity to power... yeah.. newsflash... i have no power, nothing more then anyone else... people don't generally like me... contacts won't happen... and he probably is better skilled then i am... And if that is just the reason fine by me... but i'll make sure to take him then next time i do something deadly... see how that goes. And like you said this is probably not for protection, Random doesn't care what happens to me. He cares for the power, the powerful things amd control. And he probably hopes next time i do something i bring something big back again... and this time the teachers pet can benefit as well." A moment she looks Spatchi in the eye "It was not that i didn't want you with me... everytime i made tortillas and mixed masa I thought of you and felt guilty. When i had to make choices i considered what yours would be. But you are right... I should have just taken you with me... at least then Xolotl would have had leverage." She then starts to casually walk further on the path. Not fast but it looks stiff and tense as if she is fighting with her whole being keeping her anger and rage inside.

Michael James Watson

"Sure. Walk away. You're good at that. Random picked me for you because my skill set matched yours. He had good reason to believe you would continue the activities you were familiar with. He believed you would seek out Fisk. In Amber. He hoped for information and experience in the Gray Guild because the only person who had much experience with it, contacts in it, was Caine, who was gone. He hoped Caine's network would seek you out. But Caine's back now so maybe Random has his spy network back. Don't talk as if you knew Xototl would capture you. Random got his money's worth out of you for certain. You had no idea the Pattern would follow you like a lost puppy. Yes, maybe he would have tortured or killed me. Maybe you did save me from that. But I would have tried to stop you from trying to get yourself killed. That was my job. I failed and now they know that about me. They gave me a nice stable day job as a reward, something they know i am not suited for. " She starts walking back to camp. "Random picked me to help you survive!!!!!! You should seriously consider why Random picked Cazo for you now?" She takes to the trees.

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah had stood still as Spatchi talked. When she hears her move away Alvah turns watching her go away. She looks at Cicero and lets him down on the ground. "Go back to the village, i need to run for a bit." Turning again she goes deeper into the forest, running trying to get hee frustration and anger out. Until she finds a quiet and far off spot she stops. She starts to mutter to herself... "You fucking idiot, again you ruin things.. such an idiot... i thought i did good... guess i am not that good of a person... dad was right.. he had to lock me up.." She continues for a while pacing. Her hands clenching and unclenching trying as hard she can to calm down. Trying to push down the rage... fight against it. Losing track of time.