Spider Clan
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Spider Clan[edit]
Written by Drop-Bear. Posted By RogueMoon
Spider (Kumo) History:
- 1132 wile Daidoji Uji is moving on Shiro no Yojin his Harriers conduct a shadow war with the (Akodo) Shinju and (Akodo) Forward Sentries so as to prevent them interfering in his overt play, this would continue thought the Crane civil-war so as to prevent the Lions from interfering wile the crane where engaging in "Family Business", one of the more famous "Duels" (among "Ninja circles") was one carried out in the region lying between Kosaten Shiro and Shiro Matsu, on each side where the progenitors of the soon to be Clan Spider.
- Hachi was born in to the house of Akodo, his line over the years would produce many Shinju, when the events of the Scorpion Coup saw the Akodo striped of their family name he took his Gempukku at age 16 he kept his child name, took no family name and committed the symbolic Sepuku of the Shinju, as he matured he would become a skilled Forward Sentries and Shinju reaching his peak in his 24th year (1132) when he would be the most senior surviving member of his team, as such it would be his duty to return the personal effects of his teams slain foes, wile doing so he would party negotiating terms for continued peace between the shadow arms of the Lion and Crane clans, part of the pact was his marriage to a Daidoji Shungenja.
- Daidoji Kagura is the Daughter of a Harrier Line, her mother was a Kumo sent among the Daidoji to spread strife instead she would issue fine Harriers and a Shungenja of grate gifts with air magic that would be brought to the four when she spent a year as a Shrine Maiden before she was to commence her Harrier training, despite her newly discovered gifts she would still go on to train alongside the Harriers acting as one of their number and magical support thought the clan wars and the Crane Civil War era marring an intriguing Lion in her 24th year
- Hachi (Eight) +1 Reflexes
- Kagura +1 Awareness
- The Hachi family Mon is a silver/white eight sided and ringed spiders web on a tan background.
- The Kagura Family mon is a Single White Fether on a sky Blue background it is also the mon of the Clans Shungenja school.
- The clans colours are Tan and Silver/White the Shungenja school also adds some sky blue to the mix.
- Spider characters pay one point less for the flowing advantages Dangerous Beauty, Different School Akodo Bushi or Asahaina Shungenja, Medium (2 points less for Shungenja). The spider clan is very much tied up with the forever shifting fates, whther it be for good or for ill, as such any points taken from levels of Unluck do not count towards the cap of disadvantage points alowed. further the third level of the Luck advantage costs only two points.
- Spider characters may take the advantage "Soul of the Spider".
- All Spider characters feel a slight Nausea when in the presence of the emanation of Gaki-Do (Gaki, Haunted Locations, Bloodspeakers ect. and those with one or more levels of Gaki-Do Control) they receive a +5tn penalty (haven't decided yet) on all social rolls with all Gaki and those with one or more levels of control from Gaki-Do
Spider Shungenja School (3E)
- +1 Awareness
- Beginning Honor 2.5
- Skills: Etiquette, Meditation, Calligraphy, any 1 Weapon Skill, Stealth, Any 2 High or Bugei skills
- Beginning Spells: Sense, Commune, Summon plus 3 Air, 2 Watter, 1 Fire
- Affinity/Deficiency A Legacy of their mother's training, they have an Affinity for Air Spells. Due to their consentrating on the Wide Skys of their Mounton Home and preoccupation with otherwordaly matters they have a Deficiency for Earth
- The Eight Mysterious Meditations
- Like their Brothers, the Sons of Hachi, the Daughters of Kagura Practice the Eight Mysterious Kata and Study The Eight Mysterious Meditations, but their Training lends its self more to the Meditations. Kumo Shungenja can sense the nature of other worldly spirits or influences determining invisible or disguised spirits or the nature of a Haunted item or place by making an Awareness/Meditation or Lore (appropriate spirit) Vs. the spirits Air X 5.
- Futher Komo Shungenja can add their School Rank Plus Ranks of Luck to the Total of their Casting Rolls
Spider Bushi School (3rd Ed)
- +1 Reflexes
- Beginning Honor: 2.5
- Skills: Kenjitsu, Iaijitsu, Kyujitsu, Meditation, Stealth, Hunting and one High or Bugei skill
- Rank One: Fury of the Wind
- The Spider Bushi may add his Air ring to the total of all his Initiative, hit rolls, damage rolls and their TN to be hit. Further they can sense the nature of other worldly spirits or influences determining invisible or disguised spirits or the nature of a Haunted item or place by making an Awareness/Meditation or Lore (appropriate spirit) Vs. the spirits Air X 5.
- Rank Two: the Eight Mysterious Kata
- When a Spider Bushi begins their training they are taught the First of the Eight Mysterious Kata (Fury of the Wind) as their skills progress they are able to puzzle out the rudiments of one or more further of the Eight Mysterious Kata. By displaying this rudimentary knowledge to their sensei they are helped to understand and develop this knowledge (and perhaps if they are fortunate) puzzle out the beginnings of further Kata, from this they begin to learn to master the forever shifting fates and fighting Techniques of their clans school.
- Spider Bushi add their School (not insight rank) plus ranks in luck advantage to the total of their Initiative, hit rolls, damage rolls and their TN to be hit, and any focus rolls in Iaijutsu duels.
- Rank Three: Swiftness of the Wind
- The bushi continues honing of their Reflexes, practicing of the Eight Mysterious Kata and the Eight Mysterious Meditations has lead to the Spider Bushi being able to attack twice per round. Further a Spider Samurai may spend a Void Point or a Luck Roll to be able to strike Incorporeal Beings deriving their Power from or possessed of the Taint of Gaki-Do, and/or they may also ignore their Invulnerabilities and Carapace of such Beings.
- Rank Four: Fury of the Tempest
- So in tune with the air kami and their own inner fury Spider Bushi have become that it seams that the winds themselves tear apart their enemies, a Spider Bushi may Roll additional damage dice equal to their air rank, further by spending a Void point and sacrificing their second attack they can Roll and Keep extra damage dice equal to their air rank instead, and the target of the attack is knocked back yards equal to the ranks of damage inflicted or the air rank of the Spider Bushi whatever is lower.
- Also, Spider Bushi no longer has to roll to sense spirits, hauntings or smilier emanations.
- Rank Five: *Designers Notes, Still working on a Rank 5 Ability