Spring of Hubris Eulalia History

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Pre-Game Years[edit]

Years 0-5[edit]

Eulàlia was born to a wealthy merchant family in Barcelona, and named for one of the patron saints of that city. She was a beautiful child, but also sickly and there were worries she would not survive her first year. While this fear did not materialize, the near miss meant she was greatly pampered as a child. She became less sickly as she reached adulthood, but is still unable to exert herself in significant ways.

Elena's native language is Catalan 5. The 45 XP from childhood is spent on Charm 2 (15), Folk Ken 2 (15), and Guile 2 (15)

Years 6-14[edit]

Eulàlia grew up receiving the vernacular education common for the children of merchant households. Her mother tried to teach her social graces and managing the household, but she was much more interested in the family business. Her father was indulgent of her when she was young, and often brought Laia along for his negotiations with merchants, or let her linger in his room while he went over the ledgers. Elena remembers this as a happy time in her life, learning the ins and outs of the trade and playing with the family dogs. As she grew older, though, her parents became less indulgent of her whims, and it was clear that her younger brother would inherit the company. Rather than live in comfort but with no real power over her life, Eulàlia struck out on her own.

Vernacular Education lets me buy Academic Abilities at character generation and gives me 50 XP which can only be spent on certain things: I spend it on Artes Liberales 1 (5), Civil and Canon Law 1 (5), Chirurgy 1 (5), Latin 3 (30) and Profession: Trader 1 (5)

The 135 XP from these nine years is spent on: Animal Handling 2 (15), Bargain 3 (20, becomes 30 thanks to Affinity), raising Charm to 3 (15), Catalonia Lore 1 (5), Etiquette 1 (5), raising Folk Ken to 3 (15), raising Latin to 4 (20), Intrigue 2 (15), raising Profession: Trader to 3 (25)

Years 15-22[edit]

Rather than give up on her dream of becoming a merchant adventurer, Eulàlia ran away from home at the age of 15. She cut her hair and dressed as man, confident that she could make her way in the world by herself. Not to put too fine a point on it, she was in for a rude awakening. It took her a long time to learn to convincingly pass as a man, and even longer to survive on her own. Her first couple of years were hard, and for someone used to an easy life the adjustment was painful.

Her luck took a turn one day when she saw a dying dog on the side of the road and took pity on her. She took her in and tried to nurse it back to health, but could not figure out what was wrong with her. The dog didn't seem ill or hurt: she was simply dying of nothing. It remained a mystery until Elena passed close to a Covenant and the dog became well again seemingly miraculously. Overcoming her reluctance, Elena sought counsel with the local magi. One magus examined the dog and pronounced that she was a magical animal, who needed to regularly visit a magical aura to survive. He offered to take the dog but Elena refused. She named the dog Anna.

Since then, Eulàlia and Anna have been inseparable. after some years, Eulàlia discovered to her astonishment that she had come to understand Anna, and even other animals to a degree - that is, she gained Animal Ken through prolonged interaction with a magical animal. She also became Unaging, but is not in fact aware of it at present. Anna's magical powers have saved Laia's life on more than one occasion, and her dependence on magic has meant that Laia has often dealt with the Order of Hermes in the years since, and is familiar with them to some extent. She has not yet interacted with magi enough to be able to recognize and consciously compensate for the effect of the Gift the way a Redcap might, but might plausibly gain such skill in a few more years. It also helps that Anna likes magi and is entirely unaffected by the Gift - it's hard to completely dislike someone your dog likes.

The 120 XP from these eight years is spent on: Animal Ken 3 (30), raising Bargain to 4 (15, becomes 23), Carouse 2 (15), Gascony Lore 2 (15), raising Guile to 3 (15), Order of Hermes Lore 1 (5), raising Profession: trader to 4 (20), Survival 1 (5)