Star Wars Red Ledger

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The major power players in the core of Hutt space.

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5TH FLEET (IV)[edit]

Hutt space is within the boundaries claimed by the New Republic. The 5th Fleet is the detachment of the New Republic navy assigned to keep order in this part of the galaxy.
Turf: The Tide of Justice (Mon Cal cruiser, HQ), the Rising Dawn, naval bases in most systems.
NPCs: Rear Admiral Eterin (disciplined, veteran, inspiring). Captain Jor (shrewd, bold, tired). Lt. Yon (ace pilot, bitter, just).
Notable assets: Republic starships and ground forces.
Goals: Interdict Ylseia, track down the Reforged Fist
Quirks: The fleet’s activities in Hutt space are almost entirely focused on the Resurgent, allowing other criminal activities to run rampant.
Allies: House Malekith, Black Sun
Enemies: The Resurgent
Situation: Eterin is a veteren of the Battle of Endor and is almost psychotically devoted to tracking down every last remnant of the Galactic Empire and crushing it, no matter who gets between him and his goal.

CONCLAVE 01 (I)[edit]

Independent droids led by the Prime, seeking civil rights and independence for all droids.
Turf: Trade Platform Auto #4 (HQ), numerous server-bases on Indra.
NPCs: The Prime (powerful, mysterious, wise). BarHazuk (gardener, huge, kind). Delta-7 (architect, weapons platform, massive). Sp-d3r (hacker, infiltrator, cloaked, tiny).
Notable assets: Deep understanding of tech and computing. A supply of dormant AI cores. A network of droid spies posing as everyday servants about the sector.
Goal: Take control of Iota facroy
Quirks: All members of the Conclave are currently droids of varied shapes and sizes.
Allies: The Maelstrom (who have a droid captain)
Enemies: The Resurgent
Situation: The Prime wants to found a droid homeland, but he needs numbers to do so. Having spent years freeing cores, he must manufacture bodies for them and grow them safely. He hopes to take over abandoned factories on Iota and start doing so secretly.


The official news channel of the Republic and the Empire before it. Have official authority to interview almost anyone. Often use media portrayal this as leverage over other factions.
Turf: GNN Corporate Offices on Indri (HQ). Field offices on every planet.
NPCs: Cinszo (senator, owner, ambitious, greedy, untrustworthy). Rinsama Kay (chief editor, cynical, demanding, stickler). Ooxoo (xeno, press pool manager, curious). Stacy Weathers (ace reporter, trained spy, always grinning, nose for trouble).
Notable assets: Sector-wide communications. Many independent journalists feeding them news.
Goal: Find/invent effective black mail material on Pasha Qu`olin
Quirks: The bulk of the GNN’s workforce are contractors, selling HNN stories they find. Many reporters are also trained spies.
Allies: 5th Fleet, House Malekith
Enemies: Dyrinek Gang, Mendicants
Situation: The HNN is effectively the private intelligence agency of Cinszo. The director leverages information coming into the network to blackmail and influence the powerful in the sector. Cinszo has had a taste of the high-life and can be persuaded to “adjust” stories one way or the other, to feed his vices.


A private prison-ship that travels through Hutt Space, they house the worst offenders. Brokers commutations for those with power and wealth.
Turf: Isotropa Max Secure (HQ) currently in Indra.
NPCs: Bafma F’rozz (warden, haughty, confident, wealthy). Kreel (guard captain, muscled, angry). Dr. Xhu (psychotherapist, corrupt, gambler).
Notable assets: The biggest prison in Hutt Space. An organized file of dirt on anyone they do business with.
Goals: Get a critical NPC as a prisoner (repeat)
Quirks: The staff of Isotropa are all corrupt and will take bribes for almost anything.
Allies: The Hutt noble houses
Enemies: Draxler’s Raiders
Situation: Between the Warden’s excessive spending habits, Dr. Xhu’s gambling problem, and Kreel’s “educating” the prisoners, Isotropa always needs more funds and bodies. The prison spends a lot of time lobbying local planetary Governors to increase sentencing or acquiring “special guests” from factions, and just as much time looking for bribes.


BLACK SUN (II)[edit]

Syndicate-run drug dens masquerading as hostels and spas. Their drugs are cooked with Aketi animal parts and Vosian crystals.
Turf: The Jewel, a hotel and sauna on Mem (HQ). Wildside, a spa on Khalid Bose. The Mirror Maze, an upscale club on Amerath.
NPCs: Madame Gourdan (administrator, charming, connected). Pytric (chemist, callous, reclusive). Vallis (Governor of Amerath, addicted, wealthy). Chorrguth (xeno, hunter, surly).
Notable: Vosian crystals and Aketi animals used to produce Haze. Several hotels and spas. An intrasystem shuttle.
Allies: 5th Fleet, the Resurgent
Enemies: House Malekith, the Mendicants
Situation: Focusing on the upper echelons of Hutt space, Black Sun has traded the typical complications of running drugs for new problems. Gourdan seeks to chart the choppy political waters of Hutt space by selling medicine to both the Republic and the Imperials; if either side was aware of who they were supplying, they would become die-hard enemies


A tightly knit group of thieves who steal high-end technological supplies.
Turf: A former Imperial shadow repository that the Syndicate managed to erase from Courscanti ledgers.
NPCs: Ria “Keycard” (wizard-class hacker, ambitious, daring). Nals E (cyborg, gearhead, muscled). MaxiMillions (arrogant, expert infiltrator, gorgeous). Pip (mystic, xeno, small, unsettling).
Notable assets: An entire vault of Imperial black-ops technology.
Goal: Steal Pasha Qu`olin’s rings.
Quirks: Joining the Borniko Syndicate involves pulling off a heist that impresses the leadership.
Allies: Conclave 01, Echo Wave Riders, Wreckers
Enemies: Starsmiths Guild
Situation: The Borniko have been working on bigger and bigger heists, making numerous enemies and allies along the way. Their jobs often have folks from other factions playing different roles. They focus on Hutt targets and are looking to find a way into House Malekith’s private holdings for a big heist, power in the sector be damned.


Once a labor union, the Cobalt Syndicate has turned to smuggling and extortion to carve out shipping lanes and have a real say.
Turf: The Pit, a mining quarry on Aleph (HQ). A major berth and associated docks on Nar Shadda.
NPCs: Espa Wu (leader, cold, killer, arrogant). Keve (captain, augmented, defiant, enterprising). Sephua (Espa’s love, thug, daring, envious, gambler).
Notable assets: A fleet of private ships used for smuggling. Toughs and laborers on almost every planet and station who wear the Cobalt stripe.
Goal: Unify the labor force.
Quirks: Every member wears a solid blue stripe somewhere on their clothing. A blue stripe on the walls of docks and warehouses is a call to action.
Allies: Dyrinek Gang, The Maelstrom
Enemies: Ashen Knives, Starsmiths, the Yaru Syndicate
Situation: The Cobalt Syndicate began as a mutual aid society among various refugee and laborer populations. They moved into smuggling to gain the influence and money necessary “to make real change.” Now they’re stockpiling weapons and vehicles for what Espa sees as an inevitable and bloody fight against the Hutts.


Mostly young, disenfranchised xenos who have turned to crime and found strength and solidarity with each other.
Turf: Lost Paradise, a club with an attached warehouse where the gang does its business (HQ).
NPCs: Dyrinek (xeno, revolutionary, proud). Burn (Memish mystic, xeno, fast, overconfident, untrained). Radds (human, hacker, smart). Myrk (xeno, gun enthusiast, hothead).
Notable assets: A collection of high-end hoverbikes used to cruise through their territory. Weapons chosen more for size and intimidation than effect.
Goals: Take over GNN broadcast on Nar Shadda
Quirks: When a new member joins the gang, they all go out on a drunken tear across the city, leaving a swath of wreckage in their wake.
Allies: Cobalt Syndicate
Enemies: Galactic News Network, House Malekith
Situation: The gang has had its run-ins with System police and the GNN paints them as lowlifes with no future. Dyrinek wants to send a message that they won’t be so easily dismissed, and plans to take over the airwaves to broadcast the gang’s punk ideology. All they need is the opportunity.


Pilots that organize illegal races, take mercenary work, or test dangerous new engine/flight technologies for the syndicates.
Turf: A secluded hanger on Nightfall (HQ). A near permanent presence at Bright Wind in Brekk.
NPCs: Garge Ztar (risk-taker, ambitious, charismatic). Elen (engineer, analytical, race-winner). Inofra (stunt pilot, compassionate, veteran). Dom (ex-Starsmith, mechanic, genius, family man, lives to race).
Notable assets: A host of ships of their own, and access to far more. Substantial mechanical facilities on Nightfall.
Goal: Organize systemwide race in Saki
Quirks: Echo Wave Riders don’t respect those who don’t know how to pilot their own ship, and settle all scores with races.
Allies: Borniko Syndicate, Starsmiths Guild
Enemies: Wreckers
Situation: The Riders are left alone by authorities if their races are kept far enough from civilization—and claiming Bright Wind takes care of that. They plan to put on an epic race among system pilots for prestige and cash prizes, starting and ending in the plasma cloud. Buy-in will be expensive.

GHOSTS (II)[edit]

Scientists that live exo-suited in a half-phased state. The Black Sun has a standing bounty on them and their ghost ship.
Turf: The Skeleton Key, a half-phased corvette (HQ). A secret research facility on Lithios.
NPCs: Nils Boyer (physicist, brilliant, remorseful). Roy Stanz (biologist, bitter, driven). Eegon Mark (engineer, genius, suit designer). Pol Venker (engineer, self-indulgent, cavalier).
Notable assets: Much scientific and engineering talent. The ability to phase out of reality, ignoring nearly as physical effects, though they also cannot interact with physical objects i.e. starships during this time.
Quirks: Before the mishap, the Ghosts were scientists. All are intelligent and educated. They phase out of reality if too long outside their suits (or ship).
Allies: Conclave 01
Enemies: Galactic News Network, Starship Guild
Situation: A mishap on Lithos gate phased the Ghosts. They claimed a corvette and modified it to allow them to survive within it. The Empire placed a bounty on them. Recently their exo-suits have allowed them to act without harming others. They seek to return themselves to their pre-phased state -- or possibly to phase the entire sector along with them!


A faction of the Imperial Remnant military, reduced to raiding Hutt Space.
Turf: The Reforged Fist (Star Destroyer, HQ). Bases on Nightfall.
NPCs: Tallon “the Butcher” (commander, disciplined, imposing, vicious). Liyara (lieutenant, weird, changed, eerie, loyal). Thrace (ace pilot, reckless, gambler, loyal). Wick (spy, xeno, unreadable, mysterious, loyal).
Goal: Seize the Rising Dawn.
Notable assets: A legion of Stormtroopers. The Reforged Fist.
Quirks: The Fist lacks the resources for long deployments or tough fights. The Resurgent lacks production facilities and must raid to replenish supplies.
Allies: Black Sun, Nightspeakers
Enemies: 5th Fleet
Situation: Tallon was a sector commander when the Battle of Endor happened. He read the writing on the wall when the Emperor died and lead a mutiny against the captain of the Star Destroyer. They hide in Ylesia, using the gravitational anomalies to avoid pursuit.

WRECKERS (I)[edit]

Scavengers, thieves, and hackers who incite factions to fight so that they may pick the battlefields clean later.
Turf: Makeshift base inside a derelict ship near the Husk (HQ).
NPCs: Bobby-O (wizard-class hacker, arrogant, trickster). Meshkilarn (mechanic, muscled, grimy). Qord (xeno, thief, delicate, one-handed).
Notable assets: A series of fake transponders, booby traps, and mock ships used to lure in unsuspecting marks. The Derelict-8, a derelict frigate they found after a battle between Draxler’s Raiders and the 5th Fleet.
Goal: Repair the Derelict-8
Quirks: Wreckers pick members from folks already fleeing from someone or hiding in the Husk. They often trade air and water as a means of scoping folks out.
Allies: Borniko Syndicate
Enemies: Draxler’s Raiders, Echo Wave Riders
Situation: The crew has hit several targets in the system by sowing confusion between the Hutt syndicates, and cleaning up after pirates. Their goal is to salvage enough to repair their current home, the ship they call the Derelict-8. To do that, many more ships are going to need to be destroyed.



Once lean and battle ready, the Ashen Knives are a decadent syndicate focused on drugs, gambling, and pleasures of the flesh.
Turf: Drug dens. Gambling houses. A hidden and reinforced bunker on Nar Shadda (HQ).
NPCs: Pasha Qo’iin (sly, corpulent, sartorial, decadent). Knife Lirik (assassin, xeno, gambler, deadly, graceful). Oya (high ranking, greedy, well armed, natural leader).
Notable assets: A crew of well-trained assassins, often with weird abilities up their sleeves. Heavy coffers. Bribed judges. Crews of thugs.
Goal: Control violent crime in Hutt Space.
Quirks: To join the Syndicate, Knives must take a life. Being promoted requires doing unsavory tasks.
Allies: The Maelstrom
Enemies: Cobalt Syndicate, 5th Fleet
Situation: The Ashen Knives are considered the sharp end of the Hutts’ displeasure. A recent alliance with the Maelstrom (fencing goods) has filled the Knives’ coffers, and now their sights are set on expanding.


Violent pirates who disable ships before boarding, ransoming crew and cargo alike.
Turf: Abandoned mining station in a Saki asteroid belt (HQ).
NPCs: Draxler (leader, killer, vengeful). Wudu “Starhawk” (captain, loyal, vicious, wary). Samara “She Wolf” Red (captain, enforcer, cold, physical).
Notable assets: Mining ships retrofitted with grapplers. Heat shields for surviving in the Ring of Fire. Draxler’s cloaking corvette, the Manta. Power armor for boarding. Prisoners for ransom. Caches of goods stolen from raided ships.
Goal: Pull off jailbreak at Isotropa Max Secure.
Quirks: Almost all members of Draxler’s Raiders are wanted for crimes.
Allies: Borniko Syndicate, Conclave 01
Enemies: 5th Fleet, Isotropa Max Secure, the Maelstrom
Situation: Draxler has made a lot of waves since taking over the Raiders. The crew has a decidedly anarchist views. A few bad fights with the 5th have landed a number of Raiders captains in Isotropa Max Secure, and they have set their eyes on eliminating the supermax prison from Hutt Space altogether, killing two birds with one stone.


A band of ferocious space pirates hiding among a mysterious nebula and around the Husk.
Turf: The Nightbreaker (capital ship, HQ). The Cove (made of lashed-together ships). The Ashtari Cloud.
NPCs: Alanda “the Banshee” Ryle (Hutt, pirate queen, mirthful, risk-taker). Yorgar “Thorn” (captain, quiet, calculating, deadly). Hunter Black (captain, ex-Rebel, daring, space savvy).
Notable assets: The Nightbreaker (a capital ship with a breaking yard inside it). Storm drives (engines capable of navigating the Ashtari Cloud). A fleet of pirate ships.
Goal: Unseat House Malekith
Quirks: The pirates lash together old or damaged ships to make the Cove. The Cove is the size of a planetoid, rotating near the center of the Ashtari Cloud.
Allies: Ashen Knives, Cobalt Syndicate, Nightspeakers
Enemies: The 5th Fleet, Draxler’s Raiders, House Malekith
Situation: The Maelstrom raids shipping lanes and sells goods via the Ashen Knives. Alanda is scheming to find a way to lure Pasha Qu`olin out of her stronghold on Nar Shadda, preferably without incurring fullscale retribution from the rest of the House.


The most influential of the Hutts syndicates, Malekith is currently in charge of Nal Hutta and Hutt space in general.
Turf: Malekith owns the sector, but the Pasha rarely leaves Nar Shadda. Her people can be found in major positions in every system of the sector.
NPCs: Pasha Qu`olin (Hutt, rich, ostentatious, shrewder than she seems). Jerrem (guard captain, tactical, scarred, loyal). Shim (judge, corrupt, greedy, ambitious).
Notable Assets: Sector taxes, generating vast coffers. A growing collection of ships and soldiers.
Goal: Gain leverage over the 5th Fleet, reduce another Hutt syndicate by a tier (repeat)
Quirks: Pasha Qu`olin seems genuinely interested in making Hutt space a valuable member of the New Republic. No one’s quite sure why she wants to “go legit.”
Allies: 5th Fleet
Enemies: Ashen Knives, The Maelstrom, Black Sun
Situation: Pasha Qu`olin has reformed her syndicate into a noble house. She dreams of uniting Hutt space behind her group and establishing herself as the controller of the entire commercial enterprise. Despite her apparent attempts as “going legit,” she hasn’t stopped their illegal activities.


Weapons dealers specializing in ship weapons, headed up by the ruthless Bax.
Turf: Weapons camp on Sonhandra (HQ). A sizable operation at Aketi’s Base Camp One.
NPCs: Bax (Huss, ambitious, distrustful, ruthless). Baruk (xeno, bodyguard, huge). Wendel (nervous, technical, loyal). Faye Null (xeno, pilot, adventurous, foolhardy).
Notable assets: A large stockpile of weapons, particularly ship weapons. Several small but well-armed ships. A map of the current dark hyperspace lanes.
Quirks: Bax insists on meeting every client the Syndicate does business with in person.
Allies: Draxler’s Raiders
Enemies: Borniko Syndicate
Situation: Viktor wants to grow beyond the outposts the Syndicate currently runs to a sector-wide affair. As part of his plan to scale up, he’s looking to poach the 5th Fleet for some capital weapons. Bax’s currently digging up dirt on Tallon and secret Malekith projects in the sector.


Although they often hire themselves out as bounty hunters, the Scarlet Wolves are a renowned group of assassins.
Turf: The Killroom, a high-end safe house on Vos (HQ). Holdouts on most planets.
NPCs: Rik “Old Wolf” Urus (leader, dangerous, retired, cunning). Hara “Mamba” M’brozz (sniper, killer, thrill-seeker). Jet “Shark” Wolffe (aloof, confident, unforgiving).
Notable assets: A large armory of the very best weapons. An actual huge Loth-wolf genetically engineered by the Black Sun as payment. (Rik keeps it. They feed it others who don’t pay.)
Goal: Murder House Malekith agents
Quirks: Each member of the Wolves bears a distinctive tattoo of a wolf holding a star in its mouth.
Allies: None. With the Wolves it’s strictly business.
Enemies: House Malekith, the Maelstrom
Situations: The Scarlet Wolves are contract killers specializing in hard targets. They have a reputation for delivering, minimizing collateral, and never taking bribes. While Rik would dearly love to unseat Pasha Qu`olin for past sins, she’s too powerful for the careful killer to strike at directly.


Runs the most prestigious, and largest, shipyard in Hutt space.
Turf: Saki Shipyards (HQ). All major spaceports.
NPCs: Dorae (chief executive, industrious, trustworthy workaholic). Kir M’rikk’lik (technical officer, xeno, gadgeteer, experimenter). Nash (operations chief, gruff, overworked).
Notable assets: Enough spare parts to build a fleet. Extensive shipyards. Hyperspace lane charts going back centuries. Trading stations on every route.
Goal: Expand their control over 5th Fleet services.
Quirks: Virtually all ships in Hutt space are worked on by Guild engineers. Dorae is unusually trustworthy and work-focused on a Hutt, which means other Hutts don’t trust him.
Allies: 5th Fleet, Echo Wave Riders
Enemies: Borniko Syndicate, Cobalt Syndicate
Situation: The Starsmiths Guild has controlled shipyards in Hutt space for generations. Dorae is their latest head and he is honestly focused on researching, engineering, and expanding their core business without causing disruption. He is functionally insane by Hutt standards.


Also known as the Makers Guild, they grow clones for menial labor. Marginally legal due to their claims that the clones are supposedly short-lived and only barely sentient.
Turf: Sanctioned Yaru creche on Lithios (HQ). Secret research facility on Amerath.
NPCs: Foler Atherton (biologist, concealed). Bal Yn (geneticist, haughty). Rech (savant, cold). All unmarked progenitor clones.
Notable assets: Cloning facilities. Clones placed in several important households and facilities, which report back. Powerful capacity for genetic manipulation.
Goals: Breed clone soldiers for market.
Quirks: The Makers Guild doesn’t accept new members. The progenitors have self-perfected and are frozen; only so many are allowed to be active at once. The Yaru (as the clones are called) make many people in their presence uneasy.
Allies: House Malekith
Enemies: Cobalt Syndicate
Situation: While slavery is outlawed, the Yaru have succesfully argued that their labor clones are non-sentient and therefore do not fall under those laws. Understandably, many in the Republic find them distasteful and so the Yaru are seeking to expand into clone soldiers to solidify new alliances.



Eschewing individuality, all initiates adopt the same garb and the name “Ashkad,” in the pursuit of perfection at any cost.
Turf: A large number of meditation rooms throughout Indri.
NPCs: Ashkad (charismatic, passionate, idealistic). Ashkad (ambitious, underhanded, muscled). Ashkad (mystic, devout, artistic). Ashkad (technician, skilled, liar, wealthy).
Notable assets: A pre-Republic artifact that all the Acolytes have attuned to, called the Pillar of Truth.
Goal: Convert an entire factory to their religion.
Quirks: Attuning to the Pillar allows the Acolytes to communicate with each other and invoke the skills and memories of other Acolytes, who can act through them.
Allies: Mendicants
Enemies: Ashen Knives
Situation: The Acolytes are ready to begin the next phase of growing their following, but the Pillar requires massive reserves of energy to keep attuning to more people. They plan to indoctrinate an entire power plant’s workforce, so they can repurpose the plant to power the Pillar of Truth.


A cult of Force healers under the Republic, they were politically destroyed by the Empire and now seek to rebuild around their greatest remaining temple.
Turf: The Temple on Amerath (HQ).
NPCs: Ammon (physician, compassionate, changed). Kambree (researcher, cheerful, organized). Kairi (scarred, physician, somber). Tar Hakwson (elderly, ex-pirate, scheming, still secretly smuggling).
Notable assets: A small but dedicated crew of Mendicant physicians capable of healing with science and mystic powers alike. A stash of ancient Mendicant teachings.
Goals: Recover pre-Empire Mendicant teachings (repeat)
Quirks: Each Mendicant takes a strict vow of pacifism, and the cult does not inquire as to the past of their members. As a result their groups can include scarred soldiers and pirates alongside devoted doctors and healers.
Allies: 5th Fleet, Conclave 01, Cobalt Syndicate
Enemies: Galactic News Network
Situation: The Mendicants were an ancient cult of Ithorian Force healers. They refused to aid either side during the Clone Wars, citing strict vows of pacifism, and when the Empire rose they were attacked by Palpatine’s Inquisitors. Their elders were slaughtered and their oldest teachings were destroyed. What remains now is mostly acolytes who managed to escape and people seeking to leave their own pasts behind.


Divinatory mystics native to Nightfall taken over by an Imperial Inquisitor.
Turf: A fortress hidden on Nightfall (HQ).
NPCs: Doraam (masked, mysterious, driven). Oin-rai (fighter, physical, huge, brutal). Ismissa (robed, unarmed, mystically potent). All count as small gangs in battle.
Notable assets: Acolytes trained in Dark Side powers. An alliance with the Resurgent.
Goal: Gain influence over Republic power brokers (repeat), gain influence over criminal syndicates (repeat)
Quirks: Nightspeakers have pitch-black eyes and are heavily tattooed after achieving rank within the cult. Most wear masks. Some say they speak to voices from beyond the stars.
Allies: The Resurgent, Black Sun
Enemies: 5th Fleet, Mendicants
Situation: The Nightspeakers are an ancient mystic cult on Nightfall, previously devoted to staring into “the blackness outside, the void inside” to divine the future. With the fall of the Empire a previous Inquisitor arrived and took over the cult, refocusing them to become her own personal power base as she schemes to return to power.