Star Worlds:Equipment List

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Melee Weapons[edit]

Type Cost Damage Modifiers
Unarmed Attack D6-2
Light Weapon 25c D6 Light, Throw
Stun Weapon 50c D6+2 Stun
Martial Weapon 75c D6+1
Reach Weapon 100c D6+1 Two-Handed, Reach
Heavy Weapon 200c D6+2 Two-Handed, Heavy
Lightsaber 3000c D6+3 Deadly, Exotic

Ranged Weapons[edit]

Type Cost Damage Modifiers
Blaster Pistol 250c D6 Light, Close
Blaster Carbine 500c D6+1 Close
Blaster Rifle 1000c D6+1 Ranged, Two-Handed
Repeating Blaster 2000c D6+2 Ranged, Two-Handed, Heavy
Bowcaster 1500c D6+1 Ranged, Two-Handed, Deadly
Flame Thrower 1000c D6 Close, Burn
Ion Blaster 1000c D6+2 EMP

Explosive Weapons[edit]

Type Cost Damage Modifiers
Frag Grenade 200c D6+2 Throw, Blast
Stun Grenade 200c D6+2 Stun, Throw, Blast
Ion Grenade 250c D6+3 EMP, Throw, Blast
Thermal Detonator 2000c D6+3 Throw, Blast, Deadly


Type Cost Armor Max Speed Modifiers
No Armor Sprint
Light Armor 250c +1 Run
Heavy Armor 1000c +2 Jog Heavy, Restrictive

Weapon and Armor Effects[edit]

  • Blast: Damages the target and everyone adjacent to it.
  • Burn: Does damage for three turns unless extinguished.
  • Close: Can be fired accurately at nearby targets, but lacks real distance.
  • Deadly: When you roll a 6 on damage, roll again and add the new result.
  • EMP: Half damage against living targets.
  • Heavy: You can only carry as many Heavy items as your MEN score.
  • Exotic: Must have special training in order to use properly.
  • Light: Can be offhand weapon. If the damage from your primary weapon is undesirable, reroll with your offhand weapon and take the new result.
  • Ranged: Can be fired at targets from a long distance.
  • Reach: Has an advantage against non-reach melee weapons in combat.
  • Restrictive: Get a -1 to Daring checks while wearing this bulky armor.
  • Stun: Does Vitality Damage, but will knock an enemy out instead of killing.
  • Throw: Can be thrown accurately at nearby targets.
  • Two-Handed: Requires both hands to use properly.

Gear & Services[edit]

Clothing Tools Services
Type Cost Type Cost Type Cost
Vagabond's Clothing 1c All-Temperature Cloak 100c Dining, Luxurious 150c
Commoner's Clothing 10c Aquatic Rebreather 350c Dining, Upscale 50c
Tradesman‟s Clothing 25c Bandolier 100c Dining, Average 10c
Quality Clothes 50c Holster, Concealed 75c Dining, Budget 2c
Latest Fashions 100c Binder Cuffs 50c Lodging, Luxurious 200c
Official Vestments 200+c Breath Mask 200c Lodging, Upscale 100c
Elegant Fashions 500+c Comlink, long-ranged 250c Lodging, Average 50c
Comlink, short-ranged 25c Lodging, Budget 20c
Com-Scrambler 400c Bacta Tank Treatment, Per Hour 300c
Cybernetic Prosthesis 5000c Hospital Care, Per Day 300c
Datapad 1000c Taxi Service, Per Half-Hour 10c
Electrobinoculars 1000c Space Travel, Per Five Days 500c
Energy Cell 10c
Flight Suit 1000c
Fusion Lantern 25c
Glow Rod 10c
Helmet Package 4000c
Holorecorder 100c
Holster, Hip 50c
Jet Pack 500c
Liquid Cable Dispenser 15 Meters 10c
Medical Kit 600c
Medpac 100c
Portable Computer 4000c
Power Generator 1000c
Power Pack 25c
Power Recharger 250c
Ration Pack 5c
Security Kit 750c
Sensor Pack 1500c
Space Suit 2000c
Surgery Kit 1000c
Syntherope 45 Meters 20c
Targeting Scope 100c
Tool Kit 500c
Utility Belt 250c

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