Star Worlds:Skills

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In addition to the skill choice you get from your Species, all character choose any one additional skill to start with.

If you have an applicable Skill, you can't get a Failure. A roll of 6 or less counts as a Close-Call instead, which means you barely manage to pull it off (as opposed to completely fail). However, the GM will throw even bigger complications at you than if you got a Problem.

Some rare items and special equipment can grant you narrow, unlisted, specialty skills that only apply in certain situations. For example, you might get your hands on some high-tech climbing gloves that give you the Scale Sheer Walls skill. Or a strange device that gives you the Breath Underwater skill. Or maybe you find an ancient artifact that gives you the Command Krayt Dragon skill. These work like normal skills, except that they only serve very specific fictional circumstances.

  • Academics: You are well-read in politics, histories and cultures, both local and foreign.
  • Athletics: Training to increase your fitness, mobility, and resistance to fatigue.
  • Awareness: A keen perceptiveness, curiosity, and an eye for detail.
  • Deception: Quick wits, cunning, a love of exaggeration and a knack for cheating.
  • Influence: You have an ear for gossip, the gift of gab, and a knack for appeasing foul moods and hurt feelings.
  • Leadership: You have a commanding presence and an iron-clad confidence.
  • Navigation: Training in the charting of courses across the land, sea, air, or space via maps or astronavigation software.
  • Piloting: Controlling or driving any type of vehicle in stressful situations or when trying to pull of stunts.
  • Stealth: You have a light foot, quick hand, and an ability to intrude where you do not belong.
  • Survival: You are well familiar with orienteering and living in the wilderness unaided.
  • Tech: Training in various technologies, such as electronics, software, mechanics, and engineering.
  • Treatment: You know how to diagnose illnesses, tend to wounds, and soothe pains with ointments and medicines.

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