Staring At The Sun:Cast:Barb

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Barb Klin[edit]


Name: Barb Klin (Ms. Barb for persistent demon name)
Concept: Cosmic Anarchist
Virtue: Hopeful
Vice: Hasty
Incarnation: Psychopomp
Agenda: Saboteur
Catalyst: Realized she could fall, so she did


Intelligence **, Wits ***, Resolve ***
Strength **, Dexterity ****, Stamina ***
Presence *, Manipulation **, Composure ***

Health 8, Willpower 6
Cover 7, Primium 1


Computer (Guess Passwords) **, Investigation **
Athletics **, Brawl **, Drive (Motorcycles) **, Larceny ***, Stealth **
Empathy *, Intimidation *, Socialize **, Streetwise (Biker Gangs) ***


Interdisciplinary Specialty (Biker Gangs) *, Professional Training (Criminal—Larceny, Streetwise) **, Barfly **, Fixer **, Resources *

Embeds and Exploits[edit]

Embeds: Open Sesame, Soup Up, Cuckoo's Egg, Last Place You Look (1st Key)

Demonic Form[edit]

Demonic Form: Advanced Optics, Fast Attack, Inhuman Reflexes, Clairvoyant Sight, Mirrored Skin, Tread, Extra Mechanical Limbs