Stephen Stout

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Investigator Name: Stephen Stout
Occupation: Soldier
Colleges, Degrees:
Birthplace: Worcester
Mental Disorders:
Sex: M Age: 25
Residence: Worcester
Personal description:
Family & friends:

STR: 13 DEX: 11 INT: 13 Idea: 65
CON: 9 APP: 13 POW: 8 Luck: 40
SIZ: 11 SAN: 40 EDU: 19 Know: 95
99-Cthulhu Mythos: 99 Damage Bonus: none
HP: 10 MP: 8


Accounting 10% Anthropology 1% Archæology 1%
Art 5% Astronomy 1%
Bargain 5% Biology 1%
Chemistry 1% Climb 40% Conceal 15%
Craft 5%
Credit Rating 15% Cthulhu Mythos 0% Disguise 1%
Dodge 59% Drive Auto 43%
Electrical Repair 10% Fast Talk 5% First Aid 71%
Geology 1% Hide 74% History 20%
Handgun 20% Jump 25% Law 5%
Library Use 25% Listen 64% Locksmith 1%
Martial Arts 1% Mechanical Repair 63% Medicine 5%
Own Language (English) 95% French 28% German 10%
Natural History 10% Navigate 10% Occult 5%
Persuade 15% Pharmacy 1% Photography 10%
Physics 1% Pilot 1% Psychoanalysis 1%
Psychology 5% Ride 5% Sneak 62%
Spot Hidden 25% Swim 25% Throw 25%
Track 50%
Fist/Punch 50% Head Butt 10% Kick 25%
Grapple 25% Nightstick 25%
.303.Lewis Gun 72% .303 Lee-Enfield 72%

Income & Savings

Income: £727
Cash on hand:
Personal Property:

Real Estate:

Adventuring Gear & Possessions

Character Details[edit]

Investigator History
Stephen Stout joined the army in 1914 in the patriotic fervour of the time and served initially in the infantry, before fighting in Palestine. Before his military service

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