Sterling Archer
Sterling Archer[edit]
played by KingDobbs
Solo d10, Buddy d8, Team d6
- World's Most Dangerous Secret Agent
- Complete Narcissist
- Damnit, I Had Something For This...
Power Sets[edit]
ISIS Training[edit]
Enhanced Reflexes d8; Enhanced Durability d8; Enhanced Stamina d8; Weapon d8; Animal Control d6, Enhanced Senses d8
- SFX; PERFECT Situational Awareness; Step up or double Enhanced Senses when rolled in a reaction roll.
- SFX: "Hahaha Brett got shot again..."; Add a d6 and keep an additional effect die for each additional target.
- SFX: That was TOTALLY NINJA!; Spend 1 PP to reroll when using any ISIS training power.
- SFX: Can't...or WON'T?; Spend 1 PP to step up, add, or double Menace Expert to any dice pool.
- SFX: The Combined Hangover Would Literally Kill Me; Spend 1 PP to ignore stress, trauma, or complications from toxins, drugs or alcohol consumption.
- Limit: Obviously the Core Concept; May not spend PP when making reaction rolls against dice pools that include Science or Tech specialties.
- Limit: That is just...CLASSIC her; Gain 1 PP and step up emotional stress by +1 when it relates to a family member or close friend.
- Limit: Conscious Activation; When stressed out, asleep, or unconscious, shutdown ISIS Training. Recover ISIS Training when stress is recovered or you awake. If Emotional Trauma is taken, shut down ISIS Training until Emotional Trauma is recovered.
Combat Master d10, Covert Master d10, Menace Expert d8, Psych Expert d8, Tech Expert d8, Vehicle Expert d10
...Danger Zone.[edit]
…Danger Zone.:
1 XP - When you choose to flirt with a PC or Watcher character.
3 XP - When you insist the chosen character is obsessed with you and/or in the "Danger Zone" during a tense situation.
10 XP - When you either consummate a relationship with the chosen character, or break one off.
1 XP - The first time in a scene you reveal a new stunt with Vehicle Expert, or pilot a new kind of vehicle.
3 XP - When you fight with an ally over who gets to lead a mission or drive a particular vehicle.
10 XP - When you agree to tone down your antics for the sake of the team, or your antics lead you to either quit or be kicked off a team.