Steven Mars

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Agent Name: Steven Mars
Code Name:
Profession: Special Operations (Rangers)
Nationality: American
Sex (Age): M - 31


Score x5 What Others Notice
Strength 15 75% Well Built
Constitution 12 60%
Dexterity 14 50% Light on his feet
Intelligence 11 55%
Power 10 50%
Charisma 5 25% Abrasive

Derived Attributes[edit]

Current Maximum
Hit Points (HP) 14 14
Willpower (WP) 10 10
Sanity (SAN) 50 50
Breaking Point (BP) 40

Incidents of SAN loss without going insane[edit]

Violence X X X adapted
Helplessness O O O adapted


First Ex-Wife's Daughter, so Stepdaughter 0
Second Ex-Wife, Mona 0
Dr. Jeff VanderMeer [Egghead] 3
Dr. Gulbahar Arikan [Doc] 3
John Davenport [Elsa] 3

Motivations and Mental Disorders[edit]

Motivation: Get out from under this prison sentence

Motivation: Make sure Mary has a good life

Motivation: Find some kind of goddamn purpose


Total Total Total
Accounting (10%) First Aid (10%) Science (0%)
Alertness (20%) 80% Forensics (0%) Search (20%) 60%
Anthropology (0%) Heavy Weapons (0%) 50% SIGINT (0%)
Archeology (0%) History (10%) Stealth (10%) 70%
Art (0%): HUMINT (10%) Surgery (0%)
Artillery (0%) Law (0%) Survival (10%) 70%
Athletics (30%) 60% Medicine (0%) Swim (20%) 50%
Bureaucracy (10%) Melee Weapons (30%) 71% Unarmed Combat (40%) 80%
Computer Science (0%) Military Science (0%): 60% Dungeon (0%) 20%
Craft (0%) Foreign Languages and Other Skills:
Criminology (10%) 30% Navigate (10%) 70% English 60%
Demolitions (0%) 40% Occult (10%)
Disguise (10%) Persuade (20%)
Dodge (30%) 50% Pharmacy (0%)
Drive Auto (20%) Pilot (0%):
Drive Heavy Machine (10%) Psychotherapy (10%)
Firearms (20%) 60% Ride (10%)

Physical Injuries and Ailments[edit]

Has First Aid been attempted since your last injury? If yes, only Medicine, Surgery, or long-term rest can help further

Armor and Equipment[edit]

Decent cigars, Pictures of his step daughter Mary at a science fair, pictures of Mona in a black dress in front of a fancy table
1/2 of a 2-person shelter shell
Climbing gear (harness, rope, belay device, carabiners, gloves, etc.)
Helmet with headlamp
Flashlights (2)
Emergency flotation devices for yourself and your pack
Survival knife
Mylar emergency blanket
Spare clothes
Gas mask with spare filters
Sleeping pad

Assault Carbine w/holographic sights, targeting laser, and sound suppressor. Six spare magazines on chest rig.
Heavy Pistol w/targeting laser. Three spare magazines on chest rig.
One 570g block of C4 plastic explosive w/spare chemical, radio, and mechanical detonators
Tactical Body Armor + Helmet
Radio with throat mic
Smoke, Flash and Frag Grenades (2 of each)
Two large knives. One in each boot
A dozen glow sticks
Night Vision Goggles
Waterproof Notepad and Pencils
Extra snack bars
A box of matches

Body armor reduces the damage of all attacks except Called Shots and successful Kill Damage.


Skill % Base Range Damage Armor Piercing Lethality Kill Radius Shots
Unarmed 80% 1d4+1

Personal Details, Work Performance, Special Training and Other Notes[edit]

Hand Grenades 60%
SCUBA Gear 50%