Strangers in a Strange Land OSE:Merise
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Strangers_in_a_Strange_Land_OSE Merise
- Eladrin Godbound Lvl 6
- XP: 50000/80000
- Alignment Neutral
- PC
- List any titles or holdings
- STR 9
- INT 16
- WIS 9
- DEX 17
- CON 14
- CHA 11
- Languages
- Alignment
- Common
- General Skills
- Athletics (Acrobatics)
- Healing
- Blacksmith (Skilled)
- Survival (Herbalism)
- Class Abilities
- Ineffable, but Offensive - Godborn gain a+1 modifier to reaction rolls made with creatures sharing the same alignment, but suffer a–1 penalty when dealing with creatures one step removed (a Lawful aasimar treating with a Neutral being)and a–2 penalty when treating with creatures two steps removed (the same parleying with a Chaotic creature).
- Divine intervention. Once per day, as an instant action during a round, a godborn can change any one 1d20 roll made within 5’ of them to either a “1” or a“20”. This range is increased by 5’ per Hit Die. Once it is used the godborn does not regain the use of this ability until they roll their level or higher on 1d12; this roll is made at the beginning of each subsequent day.
- Infravision. Godborn can see with infravision with a 30’ range.
- Cast Entangle 1/Day
- Cast Quasimorph 1/day
- Knacks
- Toughness
- Fighter
- AC 4 / 16 (Chain + Dex)
- HP 32 / 6d10 (+1 per level Con)
- THAC0 15
- Movement Rate
- Initiative Modifier +1
- Attacks (For the below, write in what it is. Like, "Two-Handed Sword: Stats."
- Primary Melee Attack: (List the attack throw with all magical, ability, etc., modifiers, like 5+ or whatever), (Damage.) Sword 1d8
- Secondary Melee Attack:
- Primary Ranged Attack: Long Bow +2 1d6
- Saves:
- Petrification & Paralysis 12
- Poison & Death 9
- Blast & Breath 14
- Staves & Wands 10
- Spells 12
- Gear, Armor, Weapons:
- Chain 400 coins
- Sword
- Long Bow w/20 arrows
- Backpack
- Wand of Illusion 10 Charges
- 7 Arrows +1
- 35 GP
- 50 SP
Back at base
- Small Riverboat (soon)
- 6,760 GP