Strangers in a Strange Land OSE:Tathlyn
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- Human Assassin, Level 6
- XP: 50,000 / 64,000 (+5%)
- Neutral
- Primary PC of Naburimannu
- STR 14 (+1 melee combat, doors 3-in-6)
- INT 14
- WIS 16 (+2 saves vs magic)
- DEX 14 (+1 initiative, armour class, ranged attacks)
- CON 18 (+3 hp/die)
- CHA 14 (+1 reaction, max 5 retainers, loyalty 8)
- Common
- Swampspeak
General Skills
- Alchemy 14+ (Int, proficient, poison-trained): identify, isolate, work with alchemical substances; synthesise poison, create magical potions.
- Athletics/Endurance 7+ (Con, skilled)
- Athletics/Swimming 9+ (Str, skilled)
- Bargain 9+ (Cha, skilled): adjust price 5% per 3 points of success margin
- Knowledge/History 14+ (Int, proficient)
- Survival/Harvesting 9+ (Dex, skilled): dress slain animals
- Survival/Wilderness 8+ (Wis, skilled): find food, shelter
Class Abilities
- Backstab: +2d6 damage when attacking with surprise
- Minimum damage: 1d6
- Cleave: 6
- Combat Style: Sword + Shield: +1 AC to nearby allies
- Combat Manoeuvre: Force Back
- Thief Skills
- Climb 12+ (+2): The character is able to automatically scale easy vertical surfaces; trees with an abundance of branches, rough rock walls, etc. A roll should only be made when climbing difficult surfaces. The character climbs at a speed of 10’ per round.
- Disable 10+ (+4): This ability is used to pick locks, bypass traps, or figure out how to work complicated mechanical devices. It typically takes one turn to perform. This ability is also used to build or set traps.
- Hear Noise 10+ (+4): The character is able to hear and discern sounds, whether trying to pick up a conversation in a crowded room or listening at a dungeon door to determine what is on the other side.
- Read Languages 14+ (+6): The character has a chance to interpret ciphers, codes, foreign languages, etc. The character must be able to read. Complex codes, obscure languages, etc. may impose a penalty to the roll. It typically takes three turns to try to interpret unknown writing.
- Sleight of Hand 14+ (0): The character can perform acts of trickery and sleight of hand. It can be used to pick pockets, to conceal or palm objects, or to attempt to misdirect a target’s attention.
- Sneak 10+ (+4): This ability combines Move Silently and Hide in Shadows. When using it the character can move no faster than 1/3 their normal speed. A character carrying a light source cannot, obviously, hide in shadows.
- Spot 10+ (+4): This gives the character the ability to spot traps or secret passages. It requires one turn to search a 10’ x 10’ area.
- Rogue
- Primary Stat Improvement
- AC 5 (leather, shield, dex)
- HP 37 (6d6+18)
- Movement Rate: 90'(30')
- Initiative Modifier: +1
- Attacks:
- Wightqueller (sword +1, +3 vs undead): 13+, 1d8+2
- silvered dagger: 14+, 1d6+1
- sling +1: 13+, 1d6+1, 40'/80'/160'
- Saves: (+2 vs magic)
- Petrification & Paralysis 12
- Poison & Death 13
- Blast & Breath 11
- Staves & Wands 14
- Spells 13
- Gear 80, Armor 300, Weapons 70; Total Encumbrance 450.
- leather armour
- buckler
- Wightqueller (sword +1, +3 vs undead)
- silvered dagger
- belt pouch
- sling +1
- 16 bullets
- potion of growth
- potion of gaseous form
- coinpurse
- waterskin
- bullseye lantern
- chisel
- crowbar
- hammer
- 2 vials of ink
- 2 flasks oil
- 12 sheets parchment
- two quills
- one week iron rations
- 50' rope
- 12 iron spikes
- 2 large sacks
- steel mirror
- tinder box
- thieves' tools
- two riding horses w/ saddle, bridle, two saddle bags each
- bedroll
- cooking pots
- two bundles firewood
- handaxe
- two weeks iron rations
- four flasks oil
- 200' rope
- saw
- shovel
- one week standard rations
- 6 torches
- 100' twine
- coinpurse: 28gp
- ready cash: 450gp in gemstones
- reserves w/ Mistress Silk: 13,000 gp