Strobe Light

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ABILITIES: STR: 12 (+1), DEX: 14 (+2), CON: 14 (+2), INT: 12 (+1), WIS: 10 (+0), CHA: 14 (+2)

SKILLS: Acrobatics 3 (+5), Bluff 11 (+13), Concentration 5 (+5), Drive 3 (+5), Knowledge (popular culture) 4 (+5), Notice 4 (+4), Search 7 (+8), Sense Motive 3 (+3)

FEATS: Defensive Roll 2, Distract (Bluff), Dodge Focus 4, Elusive Target, Improved Initiative 2, Power Attack, Sneak Attack, Taunt

POWERS: Dazzle (visual) 6 [Alternate Power x3] (15 pp) AP: Dazzle (visual) 6 [Explosion +1, Touch Range -1] AP: Dazzle (visual) 3 [Area: Perception +1, Sustained Duration +2, Touch Range -1] AP: Stun 6 [Ranged +1, Sense-Dependent (vision) -1; Special: Seizure instead of unconsciousness] Immunity: Non-damaging light effects (5 pp)

COMBAT: Attack +6; Damage +1 (unarmed) / +3 (unarmed sneak attack); Defense +8 (+2 flat-footed); Initiative +10

SAVES: Toughness +4 (+2 flat-footed), Fortitude +4, Reflex +6, Will +5

Abilities 16 + Skills 10 (40 ranks) + Feats 13 + Powers 20 + Combat 20 + Saves 11 – Drawbacks 0 = 90

   * His basic power is the ability to emit short, bright flashes of light in an aura around part or all of his body. The flashes can be specific enough to only affect a single target (this is a matter of timing as much as aim), but he can also nail everybody within a block with one big flash, or turn on an annoying strobe aura that can blind anybody looking directly at him. He was still experimenting with a way to disorient people with a strobe pattern when he became the Human Speedbump.
   * The immunity doesn’t just apply to visual dazzles, but also to hypnotic pinwheels, seizure-inducing strobe lights, and anything else that isn’t a straightforward laser.
   * The Distract should make use of irritating strobe effects.
   * His primary tactic will be blinding people, then punching them while they’re flat-footed. It’s not a fantastic tactic, but it’s adequate if he’s alone. He’s probably downright deadly if he’s in a group with a serious damage-dealer