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Working on the Sunburst Project was good training, it had all of the best scientists working toward a common goal, the teamwork was, inspiring. They were supposed to see if a group of solders could survive and continue to fight in a nuclear environment, no, they were supposed to prove that they could. The scientists had to come up with the how.

They had come up with a mixture of drugs that they thought would keep the men alive after the blast, how effective a solder they would be afterward had not been worked out yet. They moved ahead and decided to test the drugs, to make sure they worked, before spending anymore time of this solution idea. They needed subjects.

An army unit just out of boot camp was bussed to the test ground and told to set camp for the night, they would move out in the morning (if they survived). The test was scheduled for seven in the morning, just as the men were about to move out.

The scientist showed up at the camp at first light, he was to give the drug injections to the troop, all went well till he fell and hit his head, he was knocked unconscious. He came to with only two minutes before test time. This was not supposed to happen, he quickly got on the phone with his supervisor and asked them to halt the test. He was told that the high ranking members of the military had already arrived and that the test would go as planned.

He slammed the phone down and ran to his drug kit, he still had some doses left, he injected himself and prayed that it had enough time to act.

The flash was much closer then had been planned, he watched as the fireball expanded out to touch the gathered men, several were vaporized on the spot, those that were not were on fire and running. He felt nothing, he was a god kissing the sun.

The drugs had worked at least for him. Of the eighty men in the camp only twelve had survived the blast, of those, six died in the following minutes, two more died before the troops showed up. Two had mutated into something else and then there was the scientist and another solder they both looked untouched.

The solders came out and tested the survivers reaction times with a live fire exercise.

The scientist was not "untouched" he was now like those gods worshiped by the ancients. He was a sun god. Sunburst was his name now. After defeating the troops he set out to build his worshipers, into a rightful faith.

Sunburst PL 16 (240PP)

Init +11; 50ft (Run), 65ft (Flight); Defense 31/19 (9 Base, 3 Dex, 1 Dodge, 8 Powers); BAB +9; +13 Melee (12S Punch), +12 Ranged (13S/L Energy Blast); SV Dmg +17, Fort +4, Ref +11, Will +2; Str 18, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 12 (Total 79PP)

Skills: Sense Motive 3/+5, PS: Scientist 6/+9, Search 3/+6, Spot 2/+4 (14PP)

Feats: Headquarters, Connected, Power Immunity (Total 6PP)


  • Energy Control (Light) +13 (Source: Mutation; Extras: Flight, Range Mod. [Sight]; Power Stunts: Penetrating Attack, Duel Attack) (Cost 5 / Total 65+4PP)
  • Super Strength +8 (Source: Mutation) (Cost 4 / Total 32PP)
  • Super Dexterity +4 (Source: Mutation) (Cost 4 / Total 16PP)
  • Super Speed +4 (Source: Mutation) (Cost 6 / Total 24PP)