Sunburst PL10

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Alternate Identity: Karl HANSEN (Swedish) Group Affiliation: STORMWATCH First Appearance: STORMWATCH vol1 #00 Power Level: 10 (150pp)

Str: 15 (+2) Dex: 18 (+4) Con: 20 (+5) Int: 15 (+2) Wis: 10 (+0) Cha: 16 (+3) Total: 34pp

Base Attack Bonus: 6 Melee: 8/9 (aerial combat) Ranged: 10/11 (aerial combat) Total: 18

Base Defense Bonus: 6 Adjusted Defense Bonus: +11 Initiative: +4 cost: 12

SAVES Damage: +5 Fort: +5 Ref: +4 Will: +0


PLASMA BLAST+10[energy blast (plasma), extra: deflection, extra: propulsion (flight), extra: explosive blast (aera); cost: 50pp; source: mutation]

Total: 50pp


Dodge, FAME, Talented (demolition, disable device), Aerial combat, Power attack

Total: 10pp


Balance +6, demolition +9, Disable device +9 , Gather information +8/+2 (fame), Knowledge (law) +5, profession (marksman)+3, spot +2, survival +2 Total: 22pp Grand Total: 150pp