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A character in the Rahasia Rules Cyclopedia game.

Suresh the Cat[edit]

  • Neutral Thief 2
  • XP: 1200
  • Backstory: Suresh is the fastest and bravest adventurer you'll ever meet - he'll tell you so! He cast off the crowds of the big city to explore the world, and he's been out living the adventuring life for years. He shaves his head for that extra bit of speed, and he's an expert marksman with his throwing daggers. The fine clothes were a gift from a grateful merchant after he saved the man's daughter from bandits. She begged Suresh to marry her, but he's too young to be tied down.

The Secret[edit]

Suresh is really Selim Al-Ravi, the runaway third son of Ylari merchant prince. Some months ago, Suresh/Selim rejected the opulence and ease of his palace life, slipped past his father's guards and set off for adventure in a new land. He certainly is fast, and brave, but he's 16, out of his depth and unused to hardship ("the Cat" is a step down from the title he originally gave himself: "the Tiger"). He does his best to hide his education and cultured manners, but his local accent slips frequently. He will quickly drop the act if confronted about it, though he won't go into detail about his former life.


STR 13 INT 10 WIS 9 DEX 15 CON 10 CHA 13


  • HP: 6
  • AC: 6
  • Movement: 30
  • Treasure-bearing movement: 20
  • Saves:
    • Death Ray or Poison 13
    • Magic Wands 14
    • Paralysation or Petrification 13
    • Dragon Breath 16
    • Rod, Stave, or Spell 15

Weapons/Weapon Mastery[edit]

Throwing Dagger


Navigation, Law & Justice, Acrobatics, Persuasion.


  • Combat Equipment: Leather Armour (20gp), Blackjack (5gp), Dagger x5 (15gp).
  • General Equipment: Backpack (5gp), Fine Clothes (20gp), Thieves Tools (25gp), 10' Pole (1gp), 50' Rope (1gp), Mirror (5gp), Iron Rations (15gp).
  • 10 GP.