Svilland: Grimnar Wyrdflame

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Human Cleric★[edit]

★ Mercenary battle-mage/Seidr of the Wyrdflame Grimnar gets serious

Trait: My eye is ever on the horizon and the next chance to battle the forces of darkness.

Ideal: Peace. I will rain terrible fire upon the agents of Odd until Svilland may know peace.

Bond: If you oppose the Black Winter, you are worthy of respect.

Flaw: My obsession with battling the darkness can blind me to the suffering of others.

Friends: Skaati; Hrokr the Rock-Handed

Base Matrix[edit]

Cleric (Light Domain) L5 | Alignment NG

AC 18 (heavy furs, shield) | HP 43 | Initiative +2 | Proficiency +3 | Size M | Speed 30 feet


STR 11 / +0 / Save (+0) || DEX 14 / +2 / Save (+2) || CON 16 / +3 / Save (+6) || INT 12 / +1 / Save (+1) || WIS 18 / +4 / Save (+7) || CHA 10 / +0 / Save (+3)


Armor Proficiencies: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shield

Heavy furs, roundshield [AC 18]

Attack cantrips:

Fire Bolt: +7 [to hit ranged] | 2d10 [fire damage] | Spell attack [120 feet]
Sacred Flame: DC 15 [Dexterity save negates, ignoring cover] | 2d8 [radiant damage] | Spell [60 feet]
Word of Radiance: DC 15 [Dexterity save negates] | 2d6 [radiant damage] | Area spell/all targets chosen in area [5 feet]

Weapon Proficiencies: All Simple

Weapons Carried:

Seax: +5 [to hit] | 1d6+2 [piercing damage] | Light/Finesse
Dagger: +5 [to hit melee/thrown] | 1d4+2 [piercing damage] | Finesse/Light/Thrown [20/60]
Shortbow: +5 [to hit ranged] | 1d6+2 [piercing damage] | Ammunition/Two-handed [80/320]


Sp Att: +7 | Sp DC: 15 | Spell Slots: 4/3/2

Domain: Light | Power: The Wyrdflame

Cantrips: Light(D) | Sacred Flame | Word of Radiance | Fire Bolt* | Control Flames*

L1: Burning Hands(D) | Faerie Fire(D)© | Guiding Bolt | Command | Detect Magic©®

L2: Flaming Sphere(D)© | Scorching Ray(D) | Blindness/Deafness | Prayer of Healing | Spiritual Weapon | Augury®

L3: Fireball(D) | Daylight(D) | Spirit Guardians© | Protection from Energy©

Features: Bonus cantrip (Light) | Warding Flare Wis/long rest | Channel Divinity 1/rest (Turn Undead [Destroy CR ½]/Harness Divine Power (1/long rest)/Radiance of the Wyrdflame [Dawn] |


Resilient (Constitution) | Elemental Adept (Fire)


Str >> Athletics [+3]

Dex >> Acrobatics [+2] | Sleight of Hand [+2] | Stealth [+2]

Int >> Arcana [+1] | History [+1] | Investigation [+1] | Nature [+1] | Religion [+1]

Wis >> Animal Handling [+3] | Insight [+7] | Medicine [+7] | Perception [+3] | Survival [+7]

Cha >> Deception [+0] | Intimidation [+0] | Performance [+0] | Persuasion [+0]

Tools: Carpentry

Languages: Common | Dvergr | Jotunn


Seax (belt) | Dagger (belt) | Shortbow and quiver of 20 arrows (slung) | Explorer's Pack (bedroll, mess kit, tinder box, torches [10], rations [10], waterskin, 50 feet of hemp rope) | Heavy hides | Roundshield with Emblem of the Wyrdflame | Symbol of flame [spell focus] with Continual Flame | Component pouch | Augury bones [25gp] | ruby dust [50gp] | crystal eye [100gp] | silver dust [100gp] | Carpentry tools | Healer's kit [10] | potion of healing [2] | staff | hunting trap | bear-fang trophy | travellers' clothes | belt pouch || 47 gp (pouch)

Trinket: [89] A vial of dragon blood


Outlander || Specialty: Wandering mercenary ||

Feature: Wanderer
You have an excellent memory for maps and geography, and you can always recall the general layout of terrain, settlements, and other features around you. In addition, you can find food and fresh water for yourself and up to five other people each day, provided that the land offers berries, small game, water, and so forth.


If pressed, Grimnar might describe himself as a seidr of the Wyrdflame. He is not like other seidrs. He does not commune with the spirits. Instead, in a fever-dream as a young man apprenticed to a carpenter, one singular spirit reached out and touched his mind. The wyrdflame, appearing as the unbearable strength of the erupting volcano, chose him; and ever since then he has channelled its power.

Filled with glorious purpose to bring the light of the flame to where it is most needed, as an adult he has travelled from place to place, often acting as self-appointed protector against the dark of the world; sometimes joining independent or mercenary bands when their cause favoured his own.

It was in such capacity that he met Hrókr amongst the Stone Wolves on the fateful mission which saw so many of them perish.

In person, he has a warrior's temperament - and indeed, his channelling of the wyrdflame's power rivals the battle magic of many a runecaster.

He believes above all else that the light of the flame should be brought to bear against the darkness wherever it threatens the land or people of Svilland; and the Black Winter and the agents of Odd must be stopped at all costs. Swathed in a pile of bearskins, he is ferocious on the battlefield.

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