Swift PL13

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Alternate Identity: Shen Li Men (tibetan) Group Affiliation: THE AUTHORITY First Appearance: STORMWATCH 27 Power Level: 13 (195pp)

Str: 13 (+5, super strenght +4) Dex: 16 (+7, super dex+4) Con: 14 (+2) Int: 13 (+1) Wis: 15 (+2) Cha: 14 (+2) Total: 25

Base Attack Bonus: 9 Melee: 10/11 in flight Ranged: 12/13 IN FLIGHT Total: 27

Base Defense Bonus: 10 Adjusted Defense Bonus: +18 Initiative: +7

SAVES Damage: +2/+9 (evasion) Fort: +2 Ref: + 9 (super dex 4+, lightning reflex) Will: +2


Birds attributes +10 [Flight (flaw: wings), extra: Super sens, extra: Natural weapons (talons), power stunt: Identity change [flaw: full action]; source: alien, cost: 31pp]

When not in use, Shen can shed the wings, dissolving them into a liquid goo. Shen also appears to be able to transform her hands and feet into bird-like talons.

Super Strenght +4 [extra: super dexterity, source: alien; cost: 28pp]

Total: 59 pp

Devices: Night googles [Dark vision; flaw: device; cost: 1pp]

Guns x 2 [5L; source: science; flaw: device; cost: 10PP]

Radio-telepathy [mental link x 5 (other members of the Authority), flaw: device; source: science (Engineer); cost: 5pp]

total: 16pp


Dodge, Lightning Reflexes, Evasion, Improved initiative, Two weapon fighting, Ambidextry, Point blank shot, Ultra-Hearing, Aerial Combat, Talented (profession: officer - Knowledge: super humans), Surprise strike, Fame, Skill focus (pilot), Move by attack

Cost: 26pp


Balance 9, diplomacy 8/2 (fame effect), Knowledge (SPB, tibetan culture, trivia, current events) 7, Language (Tibetain, English) 2, Listen 13, Pilot 15 , profession (Stormwatch Officer) 9*, Spot 13, survival 4 Total: 25

  • as a stormwatch officer, Swift was trained to handle super menaces as terrorism, war etc. She know what doing and how acting in such situations.

Grand Total: 195