Ryan Eddings, Swordsmith
ST 13 (30)
DX 18 (160)
IQ 15 (100)
HT 18 (80)
HP 33 (40)
PR 15
WL 15
FT 18
Spd 10 (20)
Handsome (12)
High Pain Threshold (10)
DR 30, Force Field (+20%), Hardened 2 (+40%) (240)
Flight (40)
Enhanced Flight 2 (40)
Instant Regeneration (100)
Enhanced Parry (10)
Enhanced Dodge (15)
Enhanced Time Sense (45)
Para-Radar, 360 Degree (100)
Danger Sense (15)
Innate Attack: Maelstrom of Blades 14D Cutting, Area (2 yds) (+50%), Emmanation (-20%), Armor Divisor (5) (+150%), Selective (+10%) (325)
--Alternate Attack: Sword Thrust 14D Impaling, Melee (1,2) (-20%), Armor Divison (10) (+200%) (62)
--Alternate Attack: The Word of Swords 18D Cutting, Malediction 2 (+150%) (62)
--Alternate Attack: Wall of Swords 12D Cutting, Area (8yds/24x1yd) (+150%) , Persistent (+40%), Extended Duration x3 (+20%), Shapable Rigid Wall (+60%) (62)
--Alternate Attack: Sword Rain 12D Cutting, Area (16yds) (+200%), Selective (+10%), Overhead (+30%), Persistent (+40%), Bombardment [14] (-5%) (64)
--Alternate Attack: Sword Slash 20D Cutting, Melee (1,2) (-20%), Armor Divisor (5) (+150%) (64)
--Alternate Attack: The Hunting Blade 10D Impaling, Armor Divisor (10) (+200%), Homing (+50%), Accuracy +2 (+10%), Increased Range x20 (+40%) (64)
Blind (-50)
Enemy (-40)
Sense of Duty (-10)
Dependent (Little sister, 25%, 9-, Loved One) (-20) Nightmares (-5)
Impulsive (-10)
Curious (-10)
Overconfident (-5)
On the Edge (-15)
Code of Honor (-10)
Guilt Complex (-5)
Pacifism (Can't harm innocents) (-10)
Weirdness Magnet (-15)
Xenophilia (-10)
Sword! (3D/VH)-26 (120)
Detect Lies (P/H)-15 (4)
Intimidation (W/A)-16 (4)
Diplomacy (I/H)-14 (2)
Fast-Talk (I/A)-15 (2)
Stealth (D/A)-18 (4)
First Aid (I/E)-15 (2)
Computer Operations (I/E)-15 (1)
Area Knowledge (City) (I/E)-15 (1)
Carousing (H/E)-20 (4)
Cooking (I/A)-14 (1)
Current Affairs (Pop Culture) (I/E)-15 (1)
Current Affairs (Headline News) (I/E)-15 (1)
Escape (D/H)-18 (4)
Housekeeping (I/E)-15 (1)
Flight (H/A)-19 (4)
Judo (D/H)-18 (4)
Research (I/A)-16 (4)
Search (P/A)-16 (4)
Sex Appeal (H/A)-19 (4)
Streetwise (I/A)-15 (2)
Tactics (I/H)-15 (4)
Swimming (H/E)-18 (1)