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Swords of the Serpentine does Solar Punk



Player Character Position Wealth Lifestyle AP
Potted Plant Arm Candy Quartermaster, gambler, and swordswoman of excellent breeding ? ? 0
Eplov Eliza Hawke Sorcerous ship's surgeon, good luck charm, and agent of chaos ? ? 0
Dersen Lowery Cardamon Jones Silver tongued ship's navigator -- fearless and loyal to her crew ? ? 0


Refresh Tokens Available: 0

Refresh Token Generation[edit]

  • Defeating foes: Dropping a Mook immediately creates a 1-point refresh token that goes into a bowl at the center of the table. Dropping a named foe or a non-Mook enemy adds 3 refresh tokens to the bowl; a big bad, 5 tokens; and a massive and truly memorable foe, 7 tokens.
  • Solving non-combat challenges, such as a riddle or tactical problems
  • GM Discretion: Before the end of a scene where no combat occurred but significant amounts of General ability points were spent (such as a chase or a burglary), the GM can toss 2-3 refresh tokens into the bowl for every player who was active during that scene.
  • Off-duty time: A significant non-adventuring period of at least eight hours spent carousing, sleeping, studying, and the like (as appropriate to your Hero) adds 5 refresh tokens per off-duty Hero to the bowl. This only occurs once per period of rest; a week spent carousing, for instance, adds 5 refresh tokens per Hero and not 35.

Empires and Colonies[edit]

British Empire

Spanish Empire

Portuguese Empire