Tōgō "Foxhound" Heihachirō

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Attributes (30 pt)[edit]

  • BLD 3 (9+)
  • REF 6 (6+)
  • INT 5 (7+)
  • LRN 6 (6+)
  • CHA 5 (7+)

Skills (20 pt)[edit]

Advanced University Package - Battlemech MOS, Leadership FOS

  • Gunnery/Mech 3 (4+)
  • Piloting/Mech 2 (5+)

  • Blade 1 (8+)
  • Bureaucracy 2 (6+)
  • Leadership 3 (5+)
  • Medtech 1 (6+)
  • Protocol 1 (7+)
  • Small Arms 1 (6+)
  • Strategy 1 (6+)
  • Tactics 2 (5+)


  • Athletic (9+)
  • Physical (7+)
  • Mental (7+)
  • Social (8+)
  • Edge 2


  • Extra Edge (1)
  • Natural Aptitude (Tactics) (2)


  • Armored Vest (50)
  • Mydron Auto Pistol (100) w/ 5 reloads (20)
  • Katana (20)
  • Wakizashi (10)

Assets: 500 C-Bills


Tōgō "Foxhound" Heihachirō was born to an impeccable samurai bloodline extending back two millennia. In the face of these lofty standards, Heihachirō excelled.

After graduating first in his class at Sun Zhang MechWarrior Academy, Heihachirō could have had his pick of assignments, but raised eyebrows by selecting the 1st Proserpina Hussars. Mastering their unconventional tactics, he was awarded the Bushido Blade and promoted to lance commander. Shortly thereafter, the rapidly rising warrior transferred to the 2nd Sword of Light, becoming the youngest ever lance commander in the history of that illustrious regiment.

Tōgō Chūi was about to become the youngest ever company commander for the Steel Dragon when his command was attacked by a company of special operators from the 7th Crucis Lancers, McKinnon's Raiders.

Despite being outnumbered three to one, Heihachirō prevailed through superior tactics, use of terrain and combined arms (after his Dragon was wrecked, he took command of a nearby infantry platoon whilst continuing to direct his lance). In addition, the lance and platoon destroyed 7 enemy mechs and damaged the others before reinforcements drove off the Feddies. However, the victory came at the cost of Heihachirō's other lance mates, including his brother Minoru. Heihachirō swore a blood oath of vengeance against all Davion scum, selecting a new call sign, "Foxhound".

Tōgō Taii surprised everyone by resigning his commission immediately after he was decorated and promoted. He believes that his brother could have been saved if reinforcements had arrived earlier but for the DCMS' rigid and outdated doctrines. Moreover, Heihachirō seeks to prove his ideas by the only means possible, becoming a mercenary.

Unbeknownst to Heihachirō, his exploits are being carefully watched by Theodore Kurita.