System Breakdown[edit]
- System Features: Gravity Riptides (Travel-Time Between System Elements Halved)
- Star: Dull Red
- Ownership: Unclaimed
Inner Cauldron[edit]
Gravity Riptides[edit]
Deadly. Avoid at all costs.
Asteroid Cluster (4R)[edit]
A thick shield of rock between KEX-171-02 and Alpha.
- Industrial 29
- Ornamental 121
- Radioactive 55
Primary Biosphere[edit]
Planet (KEX-171-02-Alpha)[edit]
With an average temperature of forty-three degrees centigrade in the shade, this planet is nonetheless fit for human habitation.
- Vast, Normal G, Moderate Pure Atmosphere, Hot World, Limited Ecosystem
- 1 Lesser Moon (KEX-171-02-Alpha-Primus)
- 1 True Moon (KEX-171-02-Alpha-Secundus)
- Small & Dense, Heavy Gravity, Thin Tainted Atmosphere
- 3 Mineral Resources
- Industrial 90
- Ornamental 72
- Exotic 51
- 6 Mineral Resources
- Industrial 242
- Ornamental 127
- Exotic 52
- 2 Alternate Resources
- Organic (Curative) 61 - The distilled heart-blood of the behemoth creatures wandering the planet's southern deserts.
- Xenos Ruins (Previously Undiscovered) 89 - Extensive network of spacious tunnels designed for an underground brachiating species. Orks were here, and killed everything, but missed most of the loot.
- 1 Supercontinent with 6 Territories
Asteroid Cluster (4R)[edit]
A thick cluster forming a strong barrier between Alpha and Beta.
- Industrial 78
- Ornamental 153
- Exotic 27
Outer Reaches[edit]
Starship Graveyard (Fleet Engagement)[edit]
A vast battlefield where xenos fought xenos, the unknown dead race of Alpha having fought Orks to mutual annihilation.
- Xenotech (Xenos Ship Components & Cargo) 438
Planet (KEX-171-02-Beta)[edit]
This planet held resources, once, before the Orks came and tore them all out of the ground. Now only their forsaken outposts remain.
- Small, Low G, Thin Pure Atmosphere, Cold World, Trapped Water.
- Large Asteroid Orbital
- 1 Alternate Resource
- Xenos Ruins (Orks) 54 - An abandoned Orkish outpost, its inhabitants dead. Trophies and artifacts remain to be looted and sold, though.
Dust Cloud[edit]
Mustard-coloured, hard to conduct auguries through.
Asteroid Cluster (1 R)[edit]
Mostly worthless rock, it is nonetheless a thick barrier between Beta and Gamma.
- Industrial 70
Planet (KEX-171-02-Gamma)[edit]
Cursed with a crushing gravity, the planet is nonetheless a treasure trove if only the Explorers could brave its dangers.
- Vast, Heavy G, Thin Tainted Atmosphere, Cold World, Liquid Water
- 3 Mineral Resources
- Industrial 161
- Ornamental 88
- Exotic 76
- 4 Alternate Resources
- Minerals (Exotic)
- Organic Compound (Juvenat Compound) 96 - A fountain whence springs a liquid of rich shimmering golden colour, tasting like ambrosia, imbuing the imbiber with new zest and vital power when cleansed of impurities.
- Xenos Ruins x2 (Previously Undiscovered) 133 - An almost fully-intact underground city of these unknown xenos, surrounding the Wellspring.
Asteroid Cluster (5 R)[edit]
Marking the outer boundary of the system, this is the last ring of debris, beyond even Gamma.
- Industrial 183
- Ornamental 36
- Radioactive 57