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System Breakdown[edit]
- System Features: Haven (+2 Presence, Composition, Habitability)
- Star: Anomalous (Green, Dominant Primary Biosphere)
- Ownership:
Inner Cauldron[edit]
Solar Flares[edit]
Deadly. Avoid at all costs.
Planet (KEX-171-07-Alpha)[edit]
- Vast, Normal G, Moderate Pure Atmosphere, Inhospitable Burning World
- 9 Mineral Resources
- Industrial 229
- Ornamental 221
- Radioactive 140
Gas Giant(KEX-171-07-Beta)[edit]
- Massive Heavy-G Gas Giant, 8 Orbitals
- 1 Planetary Rings (Dust)
- 1 Planetary Rings (Debris)
- 1 Lessser Moon (KEX-171-07-Beta-Primus)
- 5 True Moons
- KEX-171-07-Beta-Secundus (Large, Heavy G, Thick Toxic Atmosphere, Hot World, 4 Mineral Resources, 3 Alternate Resources)
- Industrial 138
- Ornamental 161
- Archeotech (Remote Mining Station) 61
- Mineral (Industrial)
- Mineral (Ornamental)
- KEX-171-07-Beta-Tertius (Small, Low G, Thin Toxic Atmosphere, Burning Inhospitable World, No Resources)
- KEX-171-07-Beta-Quartus (Large, Normal G, Moderate Pure Atmosphere, Hot World, Liquid Water, 4 Mineral Resources)
- Industrial 88
- Ornamental 148
- Exotic 58
- KEX-171-07-Beta-Quintus (Large, Low G, Moderate Toxic Atmosphere, Hot World, 4 Mineral Resources)
- Industrial 52
- Ornamental 152
- Radioactive 94
- KEX-171-07-Beta-Sextus (Vast, Heavy G, Moderate Tainted Atmosphere, Temperate Verdant World, 3 Mineral Resources, 4 Alternate Resources)
- Industrial 98
- Ornamental 123
- Exotic (Adamantium) 52
- Organic (Curative) 73
- Organic (Toxin) 48
- Archeotech (Cloud City) 48 A mostly-ruined but still airborne Flying City. Ware structural instability and mad machines.
- Mineral (Ornamental)
- KEX-171-07-Beta-Secundus (Large, Heavy G, Thick Toxic Atmosphere, Hot World, 4 Mineral Resources, 3 Alternate Resources)
Primary Biosphere[edit]
Planet (KEX-171-07-Gamma)[edit]
- Large, Normal G, Moderate Pure Atmosphere, Hot Verdant World
- Lesser Moon
- Radioactive 80
- 5 Mineral Resources
- Industrial 80
- Ornamental 281
- 3 Alternate Resources
- Minerals (Ornamental)
- Organic Compound (Juvenat) 85
- Organic Compound (Vivid Accessory) 58
Planet (KEX-171-07-Delta)[edit]
- Vast, Heavy G, Heavy Toxic Atmosphere, Cold World
- Lesser Asteroid Orbital
- 8 Mineral Resources
- Industrial 172
- Ornamental 290
- Radioactive 160
- Exotic 70
- 3 Alternate Resources
- Archeotech Ruins (Mining Station) 89 - A well-insulated archeo-mining operation dating to the Crusade, still intact despite nine millennia of the planet's atmosphere.
- Minerals (Exotic)
- Minerals (Ornamental)
Asteroid Cluster (1 R)[edit]
- Exotic 56
Derelict Station (STC Monitor Station)[edit]
- Archeotech (Comms Equipment) 31 - Almost completely destroyed.
Planet (KEX-171-07-Epsilon)[edit]
- Vast, Heavy G, Moderate Tainted Atmosphere, Temperate Verdant World
- 6 Mineral Resources
- Industrial 140
- Ornamental 221
- Radioactive 37
- Exotic 98
- 4 Alternate Resources
- Archeotech x2 (Malfunctioning Gravity Generator) 89 - This gravitational regulation unit has suffered terrible battle-damage, increasing the crush of gravity on the planet several times over.
- Minerals (Industrial)
- Organic Compound (Exotic) 48
Outer Reaches[edit]
Asteroid Belt[edit]
- Industrial 76
- Radioactive 55
Starship Graveyard (Crushed Defense Fleet)[edit]
Archeotech (Ship Components & Cargo) 283