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Alternate Identity: None (he's a clone born in Optigen Labs) Group Affiliation: Ex member of Wildcats First Appearance: WildCATS #17 Power Level: 15 (235pp)

Str: 10 (+0) Dex: 14 (+2) Con: 10 (+0) Int: 20 (+15, super intelligence +10) Wis: 20 (+11, super wisdom +6) Cha: 20 (+15, super charisma +10) Total: 34pp

Base Attack Bonus: 6 Melee: +6 Ranged: +8 Total: 18pp

Base Defense Bonus: 6 Adjusted Defense Bonus: +9 Initiative: +2

Cost: 12pp

SAVES Damage: +0 Fort: +0 Ref: +2 Will: +11

Powers: Super intelligence +10 [extra: super charisma (extra: intimading presence), extra: super wisdom +6, extra: scientific genius*, extra: mind control (extra: mind blank, flaw: slow (duration: full)**); cost: 72pp; source:science***]

Total: 72pp

  • from Gimmick's guide to gadget; in wildcats he build an amazing virtuallity device and used it to keep the Troïka in a virtual prison.
    • Tao's control on mind is a very subtle power. He must talk to his victim who become confused. See what he did to FUJI or GRIFTER
      • He's the result of genetic enginering....


Connected, Tainted Network (from CROOKS), Stoic (from CROOKS), Startle, Point blank Shot, minions, Dodge, Assessment, Infamous, Photographic Memory

Cost: 22pp

Skills Bluff +24, computers +20, concentration + 14, craft + 20, Diplomacy + 25, Disable device + 17, disguise +19, escape artist +4, forgery + 18, Gather information + 25, innuendo +23, intimidate +23, knowledge (secrets of the world) + 19, language +7, medicine +13, Perform +20 (he's the king of disco ), read lips +17, repair +17, science (computers) +20, sense motive +20 (difficult to lie with him! ), Taunt +20 Total: 79 pp

Weakness: 10PP

quirk: Gaming control. TAO enjoy playing with power. He always look a situation like a chess game or a giant monopoly.

Grand total: 235pp