Alternate Identity: None (he's a clone born in Optigen Labs) Group Affiliation: Ex member of Wildcats First Appearance: WildCATS #17 Power Level: 15 (235pp)
Str: 10 (+0) Dex: 14 (+2) Con: 10 (+0) Int: 20 (+15, super intelligence +10) Wis: 20 (+11, super wisdom +6) Cha: 20 (+15, super charisma +10) Total: 34pp
Base Attack Bonus: 6 Melee: +6 Ranged: +8 Total: 18pp
Base Defense Bonus: 6 Adjusted Defense Bonus: +9 Initiative: +2
Cost: 12pp
SAVES Damage: +0 Fort: +0 Ref: +2 Will: +11
Powers: Super intelligence +10 [extra: super charisma (extra: intimading presence), extra: super wisdom +6, extra: scientific genius*, extra: mind control (extra: mind blank, flaw: slow (duration: full)**); cost: 72pp; source:science***]
Total: 72pp
- from Gimmick's guide to gadget; in wildcats he build an amazing virtuallity device and used it to keep the Troïka in a virtual prison.
- Tao's control on mind is a very subtle power. He must talk to his victim who become confused. See what he did to FUJI or GRIFTER
- He's the result of genetic enginering....
- Tao's control on mind is a very subtle power. He must talk to his victim who become confused. See what he did to FUJI or GRIFTER
Connected, Tainted Network (from CROOKS), Stoic (from CROOKS), Startle, Point blank Shot, minions, Dodge, Assessment, Infamous, Photographic Memory
Cost: 22pp
Skills Bluff +24, computers +20, concentration + 14, craft + 20, Diplomacy + 25, Disable device + 17, disguise +19, escape artist +4, forgery + 18, Gather information + 25, innuendo +23, intimidate +23, knowledge (secrets of the world) + 19, language +7, medicine +13, Perform +20 (he's the king of disco ), read lips +17, repair +17, science (computers) +20, sense motive +20 (difficult to lie with him! ), Taunt +20 Total: 79 pp
Weakness: 10PP
quirk: Gaming control. TAO enjoy playing with power. He always look a situation like a chess game or a giant monopoly.
Grand total: 235pp