TAR: Teh Action Roleplaying

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TAR is an original system with development started by me, Bruce. It began loosely based off of the D20 system but has since become it's own creation.

Starting out/Helping[edit]

If you would like to contribute to the system please email me at bruceape@gmail.com

Here is a brief explanation of TAR.

TAR began mainly because I was tired of the slowness and overall suckdom of Dungeons and Dragons. I wanted something a bit faster, something I could take with me when I was going somewhere and was going to be bored. Something that didn't have rules to govern role-playing, but had something solid for good old dungeon crawls and battles. It needed to be fast, simply and easy to understand. I'm trying to make it that.

Problems With DND[edit]

  • It's slow.
  • Complicated
  • Rules that change with other rules...(to many if this happens ok but if this and this happen then you do this which equals this)
  • Weight and Strength Rules overcomplicated
  • Strange things in battle (5foot steps, concentration checks are annoying, firing into melee, some make sense but are just dumb, others are just dumb)
  • Ability score damage is annoying...
  • First few levels are uninteresting, though more realistic in terms of fighting and health.
  • Too stupid (Regdar is a really dumb name...what kind of world is this when someone is named redgar? seriously, call it geeky, but it's just stupid)
  • Classes that can't fight as well as others in a very combat centered game
  • takes forever to set up a game
  • bad experience system

Good Things in DND[edit]

  • Customization
  • Polyhedral dice
  • Flexibility to keep and remove

Good Things in Other RPG's[edit]

  • (personal taste) multiple classes/jobs like in d20 modern
  • Dark flavor (warhammer)
  • Ease of large scale battles
  • (personal taste) Encouraging players to get higher in levels/combat to learn new uber powerful skills, meta gaming (yeah, crazy) and flexibility to remove things such as that for when one wishes to role-play and not roll play
  • Ease of play (heroscape *coughs*)

Creating Your First Character[edit]

The first step to creating a character is finding a character sheet. I sadly don't have one yet as this RPG is still in the early stages. You can, however, simply write it down on paper.


The attributes of your character are split into 4 stats

  • HP: Your hit points
  • HP Bonus: How many hit points you gain when you level up.
  • Stamina(SP): Your stamina points.
  • Stamina Bonus: How many stamina points you gain when you level up.
  • Attack Points: How much you add to your damage and attack.
  • Attack Bonus: How many attack points you gain per level.
  • Endurance: Your ability to take damage, or a pounding in general.
  • Strength: Your ability to do damage, assuming you hit.
  • Dexterity: Your ability to actually hit something, or your ability to dodge an attack.
  • Intellect: Your ability to cast spells effectively or resist them.
  • Movement: You fast you can move.

You start off with a score of 10 in END(endurance), STR(strength), DEX(dexterity), and INT(intellect) and a score of 6 in MOV(movement).


There are 4 basic races: the Ent, the Lycanthrope, the Lizard, and the Undead.


A symbol of endurance, the Ent is a large and powerful race.

  • Ent
    • HP Bonus: +2
    • END: +2
    • Special: +2 magic resitance, Weapon Profciency, Magic Use, Launguage, Eat Tree

Eat Tree:You can eat a tree to regain your END+50 HP and your END+20 stamina. You can do this once every 5 turns. Once you eat the tree, it is gone and you can now occupy that space. Stamina cost: 10

note: the Ent is the only race that adds his HP bonus every time he levels up.


The lycanthrope is a mysterious beast. He appears as human, but at will he can transform himself into his animal or hybrid form. There are 3 animals to choose from: a Wolf, a Bear, and an Ape.

  • Choice: Wolf
  • Wolf Hybrid
    • Attack Bonus: +1
    • STR: +2
    • Special: Transform into Human, Transform into Hybrid, Transform into Wolf, Weapon Proficiency, Natural Weapon: Claws (1d4 every level), Magic Use
  • Wolf
    • Attack Bonus: +1
    • STR: +2
    • Movement: +2
    • Special: Transform into Human, Transform into Hybrid, Transform into Wolf, Natural Weapon: Claws (1d4 every level)

Natural Weapons: You have a melee attack that does 1d4. Every level there after you gain another 1d4 to that number. Stamina Cost: 10 Action Type: Attack

  • Choice: Ape
  • Ape Hybrid
    • STR: +2
    • INT: +2
    • Special: Transform into Human, Transform into Hybrid, Transform into Ape, Weapon Proficiency, Magic Use, Berserk (+20 HP, +10 Stamina, +6 Strength, Lasts 5 turns. Stamina Cost: none, Can only be used once every battle)
  • Ape
    • SP: +20
    • STR: +2
    • INT: +2
    • Special: Transform into Human, Transform into Hybrid, Transform into Ape, Weapon Proficiency, Magic Use, Berserk (+20 HP, END+10 Stamina, +6 Strength, Lasts 5 turns Stamina Cost: none, Can only be used once every battle)

Berserk: You enter into a crazed rage. You gain +10 HP, your END+10 Stamina, and +6 STR for every level that you have. This ability can only be used once every battle. After this ability ends you return to normal.

  • Stamina Cost: none
  • Length: 5 turns
  • Action Type: Free Action

  • Choice: Bear
  • Bear Hybrid
    • HP Bonus: +10
    • END: +2
    • STR: +2
    • Special: Transform into Human, Transform into Hybrid, Transform into Bear, Natural Weapons (1d4 every level), Magic Use
  • Bear
    • HP: +20
    • Stamina: +20
    • END: +2
    • STR: +2
    • Special: Transform into Human, Transform into Hybrid, Transform into Bear, Natural Weapons (1d4 every level)

Natural Weapons: You have a melee attack that does 1d4. Every level there after you gain another 1d4 to that number. Stamina Cost: 10 Action Type: Attack

Humans: Each form can transform into a human. This is the only form that can comunicate with NPC's. To transform into a hybrid or animal form, apply it's corresponding stats to the human. You temporarily lose Magic use, Language, and Weapon Proficiency when you transform. It comes back when you transform back into a human.

  • Human:
    • HP Bonus: none
    • Stamina Bonus: none
    • Attack Bonus: none
    • END: none
    • STR: none
    • DEX: none
    • INT: +2
    • Special: Launguage, Weapon Proficency, Magic Use, Transform into Hybrid, Transform into Animal

Transform: Transfrom into a designated form.

  • Stamina cost: 10
  • Length: As long as you wish unless you are forced
  • Action type: Free Action


This race consists of scaly lizards who stand upright. They are extremely fast and agile.

  • Lizard
    • Attack Bonus: +2
    • DEX: +2
    • Movement: +1
    • Specials: Underwater breathing, Launguage, Weapon Proficiency, Magic Use

Underwater Breathing: Creature can remain underwater for unlimited amounts of time.

  • Length: All the time
  • Action type: none (passive)


The once dead, living once more. When they started appearing, no one is sure, but they have made their way into society using their adept skills with magic.

  • Undead
    • DEX: -2
    • INT: +4
    • Specials: Eat Corpse, +5 Magic Resistance, Launguage, Magic use, Weapon Proficiency

Eat Corpse: You can eat a corpse to regain your END+10 HP and your END+10 stamina. You can eat a corpse 5 times.

  • Stamina Cost: 10
  • Length: none
  • Action Type: Ability

Once you have chosen your race, apply it's stats to your existing stats and choose, or give yourself the race's abilities. For example You choose the race "juglfulbjlkasdjkl". juglfulbjlkasdjkl has a +3 dexterity, or DEX, and a -2 Intellect or INT. It also has a +4 HP. Your new stats would be:

  • HP: +4
  • Stamina Bonus: 0
  • Attack Bonus: 0
  • 10 END
  • 10 STR
  • 13 DEX
  • 8 INT


There are 3 Basic types of classes: Combat, Stealth, and Magic.


Combat focuses on getting into the brawl and fighting it out. If you choose Combat as your class you gain access to all the Combat abilities.

  • HP Bonus: +10
  • Stamina Bonus: +12
  • Attack Bonus: +1
  • END: +4
  • STR: +3
  • DEX: +3
  • INT: +0
  • Specials: Access to Combat abilities equal to your level


Stealth focuses on hiding in the shadows and waiting for the opportune moment to strike, dealing as much damage as possible and then sneaking back into the shadows unseen. If you choose Stealth as your class you gain access to all the Stealth abilities.

  • HP Bonus: +6
  • Stamina Bonus: +8
  • Attack Bonus: +2
  • END: +1
  • STR: +3
  • DEX: +5
  • INT: +1
  • Specials: Access to Stealth abilities equal to your level


Magic focuses on staying out of the brawl and casting magic from afar, providing as much support as possible. If you choose Magic as your class you gain access to all the Magic abilities.

  • HP Bonus: +4
  • Stamina Bonus: +10
  • Attack Bonus: +0.5
  • END: +1
  • STR: +0
  • DEX: +3
  • INT: +6
  • Specials: Access to Magic abilities equal to your level

Playing without Classes (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)[edit]

IGNORE THIS SECTION It's not a bad thing to not want classes, in fact, if you want to don't use classes! Here is a guide on making characters without classes.


Each time a character defeats a monster or another worthy task they receive experience or XP. In order to reach certain levels you must have enough XP. Below is a chart showing how much XP is required for a level up.

  • LVL 1: 0
  • LVL 2: 10
  • LVL 3: 30
  • LVL 4: 60
  • LVL 5: 100
  • LVL 6: 150
  • LVL 7: 210
  • LVL 8: 280
  • LVL 9: 360
  • LVL 10: 450
  • LVL 11: 550
  • LVL 12: 660
  • LVL 13: 780
  • LVL 14: 910
  • LVL 15: 1050

As you can see there is a pattern...every level's experience requirements are the previous requirements plus the last lvl x 10. Once you have gained the required amount of experience you can level up.

Leveling Up: You gain more power. Here are the basics:

  • You add END+HP Bonus to your HP.
  • You add END+Stamina Bonus to your SP.
  • You add Attack Bonus to your Attack Points.
  • You receive 1 skill point to spend as you wish.
  • You might gain access to new abilities.

Advanced Classes (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)[edit]

COMPLETELY IGNORE THIS SECTION FOR NOW. Once you have obtained a certain item or completed a certain quest you have an opportunity to become a more advanced class than the basic ones. You apply the new stats just like you applied the stats of your first class. Every time you level up from then on you may choose what class to progress. You can level up an advanced class just as you would a basic class. You may only have one advanced class.


Berserkers do just what their name suggests. They go berserk on the battlefield recklessly killing things.

Pre-Requirements: must have Tattoo of the Tribes

  • HP Bonus: +12
  • Stamina Bonus: +14
  • Attack Bonus: +1
  • END: +2
  • STR: +5
  • DEX: +4
  • INT: 0
  • Specials: Berserk, Access to Berserker abilities equal to your level

Berserk: You enter into a crazed rage. You gain +10 HP, your END+10 Stamina, and +4 STR for every level that you have. This ability can only be used once every battle. After this ability ends you return to normal.

  • Stamina Cost: none
  • Length: 5 turns
  • Action Type: Free Action


Paladins are warriors of the light. They're purpose is to serve others before themselves.

Pre-Requirements: Must have sins purged OR own Holy Symbol

  • HP Bonus: +10
  • Stamina Bonus: +12
  • Attack Bonus: +1
  • END: +4
  • STR: +3
  • DEX: +3
  • INT: +1
  • Specials: Access to Paladin abilities equal to your level


Assassins sneak around in the shadows attacking anything mercilessly. Doing damage is their focus.

Pre-Requirements: Must kill and innocent person OR own an Assassin's Ring

  • HP Bonus: +8
  • Stamina Bonus: +8
  • Attack Bonus: +2
  • END: +0
  • STR: +4
  • DEX: +5
  • INT: +1
  • Specials: Access to Assassin abilities equal to your level


Rangers are agile and prefer to take out their enemies from a distance.

Pre-Requirements: Must own Magic Cloak

  • HP Bonus: +8
  • Stamina Bonus: +10
  • Attack Bonus: +2
  • END: +1
  • STR: +0
  • DEX: +5
  • INT: +4
  • Specials: Access to Ranger abilities equal to your level


Sorcerers dabble in the darker arts of magic. They have new ways to take out their enimies.

Pre-Requirements: Must own Magical Pendant

  • HP Bonus: +4
  • Stamina Bonus: +8
  • Attack Bonus: +0.5
  • END: +0
  • STR: +0
  • DEX: +3
  • INT: +7
  • Specials: Access to Sorcerer abilities equal to your level


Priests are a religous people. They use their divine power to help others and then themselves.

Pre-Requirements: Must own Holy Symbol

  • HP Bonus: +4
  • Stamina Bonus: +10
  • Attack Bonus: +0.5
  • END: +2
  • STR: +0
  • DEX: +3
  • INT: +5
  • Specials: Access to Priest abilities equal to your level


You may choose a free ability your first level. Every level after that you will need to pay for them, however some abilities come free.





Berserk: You enter into a crazed rage. You gain +10 HP, your END+10 Stamina, and +4 STR for every level that you have. This ability can only be used once every battle. After this ability ends you return to normal.

  • Stamina Cost: none
  • Length: 5 turns
  • Action Type: Free Action

Eat Corpse: You can eat a corpse to regain your END+10 HP and your END+10 stamina. You can eat a corpse 5 times.

  • Stamina Cost: 10
  • Length: none
  • Action Type: Ability

Eat Tree:You can eat a tree to regain your END+50 HP and your END+20 stamina. You can do this once every 5 turns. Once you eat the tree, it is gone and you can now occupy that space. Stamina cost: 10

Natural Weapons: You have a melee attack that does 1d4. Every level there after you gain another 1d4 to that number. Stamina Cost: 10 Action Type: Attack

Transform: Transfrom into a designated form.

  • Stamina cost: 10
  • Length: As long as you wish unless you are forced
  • Action type: Free Action

Underwater Breathing: Creature can remain underwater for unlimited amounts of time.

  • Length: All the time
  • Action type: none (passive)


Weapons and Shields[edit]

Flamethrower Long Sword Short Sword Great Sword Dagger Scythe Shotgun Pistol Chain Whip Knife Bow Crossbow Shield Spiked Shield Buckler Chainsaw Sword


Leather Gloves Gauntlets Full Plate Scale Mail Leather Metal Boots Leather Boots Hat Helmet


Health Potion Major Health Potion Immense Health Potion Stamina Potion Major Stamina Potion Immense Stamina Potion Ring Pendant


Stamina: Nearly everything you do requires stamina. Anytime you use stamina subtract your INT from the cost. You can never use 0 stamina because of this. If you end up having so much INT that the ability costs zero or below, the cost ends up being 1 stamina or stamina point (SP).


Determining Order of Turns: First determine who was aware of who first. You can decide this yourself by figuring out whether the players heard or saw the monsters before they saw the players. In the case of PVP combat roll a d20. Whoever had the higher roll decides who goes first. Re-roll ties. After you have found who was aware of who first, the players can decide what order to go in.

Turn: A turn consists of one action and one free action. This action can be anything listed below.

Free Action: A free action is an action that requires nearly no time at all to use. You can use a free action once per turn.

Movement: A move counts as one action. All characters move at a base land speed of 6 meters. A square on a grid is considered to be 1 meter. Moving diagonally counts as 1.5 meters. Some creatures, classes, or races may receive bonuses, allowing them to move faster than others.

Attacking(melee): An attack counts as one action. The first step in attacking is finding your DEX and STR. The next step is attacking. Roll a d20 and add your DEX. If it is higher than the object or creature's Dodge Class that you are attacking, roll for damage. To roll for damage, roll the weapon's damage dice and add your STR and Attack Bonus and any other bonuses. After that subtract the creatures armor from your damage roll. You can then subtract the resulting number from the object or creature's HP. Each attack requires you to -1 SP.

Attacking(long range): An attack counts as one action. The first step in attacking is finding your DEX. The next step is finding if the target is within range. Count squares from you to the target. The GM will decide if you can hit it. If you can, roll a d20 and add your DEX. If it is higher than the object or creature's Dodge Class that you are attacking, roll for damage. To roll for damage, roll the weapon's damage dice and add your DEX and Attack Bonus and any other bonuses. After that subtract the creatures armor from your damage roll. You can then subtract the resulting number from the object or creature's HP. Each attack requires you to -1 SP.

note to the GM: Use your mind when determining if a long range weapon can hit a target. make a line from the character to the target...if the line passes through an object you KNOW an arrow can't pierce don't let the attacker go through with it.

note: magic does not subtract armor from it's damage, instead magic involves a resistance roll to see if the attack is resisted or effective.

note: if your attack roll is 1, you automatically fail. if your attack roll is 20 you threaten a critical hit. To see if your make a critical hit, make an additional attack roll. If it hits, you may roll damage two times and add it together.

Resistance: Resisting an action that happens when magic is cast. Refer to the magic to see if it is resistable. To roll for resitance roll a d20 and add your INT and Magic level. The enemy makes the same roll. Whoever is higher wins, if the caster wins the taarget takes damage, if the target wins the spell is resisted.

Using an Ability: Using an ability varies in it's length depending on what is being used. Typically using an ability will require only one action unless stated otherwise. If the ability requires you to "cast" refer to instructions on casting.

Casting: Casting a spell counts as one action. You are casting if an ability you are using has an amount of time it requires you to wait before it is cast. If you are attacked 10 times while casting, your ability fails to cast and you are no longer casting. You can stop casting anytime, but your then ability fails to cast.

failing to cast: If you fail to cast you lose the stamina it takes to cast the spell and the spell does not cast.( or should you suffer no penalty? INPUT)

Using an Item: Using an item counts as one action.

Waiting: Waiting counts as one action. You do nothing in this turn. You regenerate either END+10 stamina or INT+10 stamina, whichever is higher.

Changing Weapons/Equipment: Changing weapons or equipment is considered one action

Range of Detection: All characters have a range of detection around them. If a creature is focused on a certain target the target will need to be outside of the range of detection before they can stealth or something similar. The GM will decide if the creature is focused on any one target. The typical range of detection is 8 meters.


The World[edit]

Tips on Running a Game[edit]


  • Bruce
  • Jacob