TOR: Cynewulf, son of Cyneric

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Cynewulf, son of Cyneric

Culture: Barding of Dale

Standard of Living: Prosperous

Cultural blessing: Stout-hearted

Calling: Slayer

Shadow weakness: Curse of Vengeance

Specialities: Boating, Swimming, Orc-lore

Distinctive features: Adventurous, Steadfast

Body: 6 Heart: 6 Wits: 2

Body (favoured): 9 Heart (favoured): 7 Wits (favoured): 4

-Common Skills-

Awe: 3 Inspire: 2 Persuade: 3 (1 AP)

Athletics: 2 Travel: 2 Stealth: 0 (2AP)

Awareness: 1 Insight: 2 Search: 1

Explore: 2 Healing: 0 Hunting: 1 (2AP)

Song: 1 Courtesy: 2 Riddle: 0

Craft: 1 Battle: 2 Lore: 1

-Weapon Skills-

(Swords): 2

Dagger: 1

Spear: 1


-Virtues-: King’s Men


Spear damage: 5 edge: 9 injury: 14 enc: 2

Dagger damage: 3 edge: G injury: 12 enc: 0

Sword damage: 5 edge: 10 injury: 16 enc: 2

Mail shirt enc: 12

Cap of iron and leather enc: 2

Shield enc: 3

Endurance: 23 Starting Endurance: 31 Fatigue from Encumbrance: 9 Fatigue from Travel: 0 Total Fatigue: 9 (21 when in armour) Wounded

Hope: 11 Starting Hope: 14 Temporary Shadow: 1 Permanent Shadow: 0 Total Shadow: 0

Armour: 3 Headgear: 1

Parry: 2 Shield: 2

Damage: 0 Ranged: 0

Wisdom: 2 Valour: 1

Experience: 0 Total: 0

Fellowship: 0 Advancement: 0 Treasure: 0 Standing: 0 Courage: 0

Cynewulf is the second son of Cyneric, a Barding river merchant. Once, their's was a lineage of proud warriors but the coming of the Dragon burned all that to nothing. Their ancestor, Aethgar, changed the family fortunes to merchantry and they forgot the sword, turning their hand to the tiller. When the call to arms for what is now known as the Battle of Five Armies was sounded, though, the descendants of Aethgar did not deny it except Cynewulf, who stayed behind to tend the ships. That day, his older brother Aethelred fell to orcish arrows. Cynewulf held himself responsible and took up a place in Bard's service to discharge his honour. Amongst the Bardings he is counted as a honourable if overly driven warrior, a reliable fellow in the shield wall but best avoided outside of that. Cynewulf is not a learned man but he has bent himself to understanding everything he can about his enemy.

His father no longer actively works the family boat and as Cynewulf serves at the king's pleasure, the day to day has gone over to his uncle Aethelred, for whom Cynewulf's fallen brother was called.