A working character begins with points in the Preparations pool equal to their Stag Totem. If a group is working together, use the highest available Stag value.
The GM then declares a T8 skill test (such as Know, Move, Hunt, Discern, Plan or another). If a group works together, they may each choose a relevant skill to test, only one of which needs to be the one the GM specified as necessary.
If you pass, add one to your Preparations pool, and one more for each extra success.
The Threshold for earning new Wealth is equal to 7 + your current Wealth score. The Threshold for making an item is the Value of the item. If more than one hero is working together, add the number of heroes to the Threshold as well.
Making Tests[edit]
You may now make skill tests in order to reach the Threshold. These tests are usually Craft, but might be another skill with GM approval. The Difficulty begins at T8, each failure increases it by one. If the target number would exceed 15, the scene ends instead. Or the scene can end when you no longer have any Prep, or you have met or exceeded the Threshold.
If you score a Critical success, add your Stag value to the Count, or your number of successes if that's higher. Critical failures have no special rules.
If you ran out of Prep before making the Threshold, the work is not complete but must be set aside. Record the current Count and Threshold, you may resume work in the next working scene with a new Preparations pool.
If you made the Threshold and were trying to earn Wealth, you increase your Wealth by 1. If you exceeded your Threshold, you increase your Wealth by 2. If you made the Threshold exactly with a test, you may choose to continue to try and surpass the Threshold as long as you have points in the Preparations pool.
If you made the Threshold and were making an item, you now possess that item and can add it to your character sheet. If you exceeded the Threshold, the value of the item is 1 higher than it would normally be. As above, you may continue to try and surpass the Threshold as long as you have points in the Preparations pool.