Taboo PL10
Alternate Identity: Amanda REED Group Affiliation: Wildcore First Appearance: Backlash #1 Power Level: 10 (155pp)
Str: 13 (+4, super strenght +3) Dex: 18 (+7, super dexterity +3) Con: 14 (+2) Int: 10 (+0) Wis: 13 (+1) Cha: 14 (+2) Total: 22pp
Base Attack Bonus: 7 Melee: +11 (attack finesse) Ranged: +11 Total: 21pp
Base Defense Bonus: 7 Adjusted Defense Bonus: +15 Initiative: +7
Cost: 14pp
SAVES Damage: +4/+9 (evasion) Fort: +2 Ref: + 9 (lightning reflexes) Will: +1
Symbiotic suit +6 [protection, extra: mind control (flaw: gaze), extra: immunities, extra: shapeshift (flaw: human only), extra: flight (flaw: wings), drain (const only), extra: super strenght +3, extra: super dexterity +3, claws +5 (+9L), extra: regeneration, power stunt: tail, power stunt: identity change, power stunt: dark vision; cost: 59pp; source: mystic]
Total: 59pp
Attack finesse, Attractive, dodge, evasion, lightning reflexes, Toughness, Talented (hide and move silently), Surprise Strike
Cost: 16pp
Immunities: aging, disease, exhaustion, poison, starvation, Suffocation
Skills: Acrobatics +10, Balance +8, Bluff +8/+5 (attractive), computers +2, diplomacy +6/+3, Drive +8, hide +11, Knowledge (Night tribes) +2, Move silently +11, profession: prostitute +5 , Sleight of a hand +9. Total: 24 pp
Weakness: Possessed (moderate): She has problems with her symbiote, however, as the spirit of Calobis resides within : she tends to frenzy at the sight of blood and has been briefly possessed by it on several occasions, but seems to keep it under control. Mostly.
Grand total: 155pp