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Tabrosa Ang Ri[edit]

The Primal Sigil Tabarosa is on the back wall of the stage of the Great Hall of Lights. This is a performance space for all kinds of shows from music or big orchestras to three piece bands. It houses plays musicals, operas and other dramas.

The Tabrosa is considered by experts to be "Wild" but also some how vain and mischievous. Its appearance changes occasionally, often during programs it doesn't enjoy.

Regular Events[edit]

During regular events the Tabrosa is often displayed.

  • The GjYfil Spectacular Opera- season of 58 performances.
  • The Jubilee of the Wings-3 day camping event
  • Trilic Performances- 3 seasons a year, each with 20 evening shows
  • The Vampire Macabre- 12 performance, 1 each month. 2:00 am to 4:30 am. General public invited. Open Bar. Tickets for non-Vampires-3 pints of blood willingly given.
  • Tabrosa Artist Convocations-Irregularly called open stage for artists to view the Tabrosa. Ticket-one silver or the days artistic creation

Shadows of Tabrosa[edit]

The Sigil Tabrosa does not cast shadows directly. Shadows of it are created by artists who sit before it and draw their impressions of it. The higher the skill of the artist the more likely the Sigil will empower their work. But it has empowered some works from untalented artists who were passionate about their work. The sigil is mercurial and whimsical. One never knows what will impress it enough to create a work a shadow.

Assaying the Tabrosa[edit]

An artist must create representations of the Tabrosa in front of a representations of the Tabrosa. If the sigil accepts them they have a visionary experience. From then on they can create much better artist expressions


  • 5 Basic Imprint. Artist
  • 6 slot Frames of any type
    • A raised sigil defends against Low Order magics
    • Wielder can create abstract and vivid illusions. The Sigil remembers each illusion presentation and can replay them.
    • Wielders can construct light for venue performances.
    • Wielder regenerates slowly, equal to 3 times their normal healing rate.
    • 3 pip illusionist or +2 pips if the have pips in illusionist
  • 15 Advanced imprint. Sentinel
    • 12 slots.
    • Wielders can display their illusions
    • Wielders can share their illusions with other sigil holders
    • Can incorporate music from other sources. Can be directed or allowed to create its own. Mood Music.
    • 6 pip illusionist or +2 pips if they have pips in illusionist
  • 60 Master Imprint Patron
    • Wielder can create pictorial illusions.
    • A raised sigil defends against High Order magics
    • Can incorporate music from instruments they play
    • 13 pip illusionist or +5 pips if the have pips in illusionist
    • Can empower others with Mood Music

Aesthetes Theater Spaces

People of the Tabrosa-The Shirket[edit]

  • Caliope-Patron- Acrobat/Contortionist. Front Manager (1 of 7)
  • Drosteg-Patron- Dancer
  • Clarissa Zhenya-Patron Aesthete- Actress
  • Shuna Tre -Sentinel- Actress. Costumer, Wardrobe Mistress (1 of 100)
  • Lassina Niane -Sentinel-
  • Tamba Damba -Sentinel-
  • Hamma Fofana -Sentinel-
  • Pitso Atang -Sentinel-
  • Piki Tamihana-Patron-
  • Lucien Raphael Moreau -Patron-
  • Amara Noelle Castillo-Artist-
  • Hiroshi Takumi Sato -Artist-
  • Elowen Maeve Sinclair -Artist-
  • Mateo Idris Al-Farouq -Artist-
  • Zahra Evangeline Khan -Artist-
  • Dmitri Valentin Petrov -Artist-
  • Isla Seraphina de la Cruz -Artist-
  • Ronan Elias Kavinsky -Artist-
  • Santiago Thiago Velasquez -Artist-
  • Freya Anneliese Bjornsdottir -Artist-
  • Nia Naledi -Artist-
  • Fiona Zhenya-Artist-
  • Alvah Chambers-Artist-

The Chorus[edit]

  • Radovan Emil Novak (Ang Ri race similar to Czech/Slavic) -Sentinel-
  • Viktor Radoslav Novak (Ang Ri race similar to Czech/Slavic) -Sentinel-
  • Aisling Saoirse O'Callaghan (Ang Ri race similar to Irish) -Sentinel-
  • Leila Zahra Al-Mansouri (Ang Ri race similar to Arabic) -Sentinel-
  • Anushka Priya Patel (Ang Ri race similar to Hindi/Sanskrit) -Sentinel-
  • Yuna Hye-Jin Choi (Ang Ri race similar to Korean) -Sentinel-
  • Nadja Elisaveta Ivanova (Ang Ri race similar to Russian/Bulgarian) -Sentinel-
  • Chiara Donatella Romano (Ang Ri race similar to Italian) -Sentinel-

The chorus is a staple in musical productions. They are background players, chorus, extras, as well as tech members. They are preternaturally strong. They have limited shapechange that enables them to assume many rolls.

They are well over 600 year old Vampires from a shadow near Chaos, Qaqisani. Their form of vampirism drinks blood in through one fang and injects plasma from the other. They need less then a pint at a time and the blood while in their system is purified of iron. They can filter disease, alcohol, and drugs in the blood system.

They can eat food and drink liquids but require a pint of blood a day. The upshot is that they offer their services to the members of the Shirket the service of healing them from disease, over-indulgence, and other toxic effects. They

The Chorus are Sentinels and do not aspire to be Patron.