Talathlan of Shamballah

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Barbarians of Lemuria: The Breath Of A Demon God

Talathlan of Shamballah, the Hunter-Magician

Strength 1 Agility 2 Mind 1 Appeal 1

Lifeblood 5/11 Hero Points 2/5 Arcane Power 5/11 Advancement Points 0

Brawl 0 Melee 2 Ranged 1 Defence 2

Hunter 1 Thief 2 Magician 1 Mercenary 0

Boons: - Keen Eyesight; Keen Hearing

Flaws: - Landlubber

Growing up in the savage city of Shamballah on the edge of civilization, young Talathlan quickly became adept with both blade and bow. However, soon after his sixteenth name day, his curiosity about the wider world led him to leave home and seek new places. In the years since, the Hunter Magician has seen and learned many things, but his thirst for knowledge remains unquenched.

Talathlan is brash, quick of mind and foot, irrepressible and incorrigible.


Magic Amulet; Dagger (damage d3, hidden in the boot); Sword (damage d6); Shortbow (damage d6, range 60'); Light armour d6-2 (boiled leather cuirass); Thieves' Tools; Hooded cloak