Talk:Fantasy City Project:Governmental District

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Form of governance?[edit]

City council sounds too democratic, maybe something like Venetian 16 century setup? For example, elves would supply city dodge trough their internal struggle/voting/consent. Dodge is presiding over Assembly which is formed by counting power-tally for each faction. For example, monetary census - every registered guild/organization gets one vote/seat in Assembly for every 1000 Moneypieces. Or every guild/etc provides one person/seat but strenght of his/her vote is measured differently (e.g. every elf counts as ten votes). Last but not least is executive power, which could be a city inspectorate, city magistrate. It could be loosely formed and open, for example Assenbly and Dodge assign inspectorate/magistrate chiefs who in turn form their teams. I can imagine Assembly and Dodge squabbling over position of Harbormaster, then as he/she is installed, he/she forms her/his own team which makes sure that Harbor works properly. This makes good realistic unbalanced governance system. Dodge has great power, but its only one guy. Assembly is place for political struggle and is institution humans/dwarves forced elves to accept. Finally, magistrates are practical day-to-day rulers with small ingerence (sheriff, constable, harbormaster, etc), but enaugh to make this city operational...

Cheers, Ranko