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If I did all the work for it, could we change the word "Verve", to "Moxie" (also spelt Moxy)? you'll probably ask why, and the reason is because it sounds like something that would be superhero related, is a totally awesome word, means Exactly what Verve is described as, and just sounds awesome.

Verve's Definition (Taken from Wiktionary):

  1. Excitement of imagination such as animates a poet, artist, or musician, in composing or performing
  2. artistic energy and enthusiasm
  3. vigour, vitality and liveliness
  4. rapture, enthusiasm
  5. spirit, energy

Moxie's Deinition (Taken from Wiktionary):

  1. backbone, determination and fortitude
  2. initiative or skill

See? so it's actually a better word for the effect. I know it doesn't really matter, But I'd like it :P 16:36, 3 June 2011 (UTC)

The only reason I would avoid Moxie is because it seems to have a very strong association with the noir genre. That's no huge objection. Verve is unknown to most people, so it seems more neutral. -BunniRabbi

Why doesn't Verve refill between sessions? That's what my ST does and it works great! If the villains we fight get to have full Verve, so should we, or else a lot of powers become absolute garbage and the Decreased Verve Cost extra becomes mandatory.

Requesting permission to make Verve more easily renewable and fix the Power Level chart accordingly.

Verve does not recover between sessions because some powers are used during down time and would be unbalanced if you got to keep using them during every "scene" of down time. - BunniRabbi

A lot of edits seem to be made with the idea in mind of allowing more verve recovery. I would ask players to try running games more often if they think this is a good idea. The entire purpose of introducing a fuel stat is to limit the use of powers and ad an element of risk management. If players want that aspect removed, it might be better to simply let more of the powers operate without verve.