Talk:MTH:Power Trees
Some of the techniques that made up Cyberkinesis before it was a power tree when it was converted were edited out or replaced. Many of them were already duplicated in other powers. For instance an ability that allows you to add/delete data is already part of another ability if that ability says you can program or reprogram.
Super Speed[edit]
Super Speed has probably been edited and discussed more than any other power on this wiki. Most of the edits have been about removing or adding back the same functionality: Multiple actions at full or near-full die pools. While mechanics like that are simple and intuitive, and that is normally reason enough to include them, please don't in this case. Note that White Wolf / Onyx Path has been removing such mechanics from nWod, Exalted and Scion over the last decade or so. Players keep complaining about them. Newer versions of these game lines limit both the number of actions and the die pools for them. Please realize that without these limits multiple action mechanics tend to dominate a game, making players who don't have them feel like they must have them to remain relevant. Once you have 3 or 4 players with such abilities combat scenes turn into combat sessions.
If you feel you have a work around for this please play-test it first, with multiple combatants having the power, before editing it in.