Talk:Morrow Project (Gurps Conversion)

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Make a 150 point GURPS character with up to 50 points of Disadvantages.

Your character already has 45 points of Disadvantages

Odd things always happen to you, being chosen for The Morrow Project for example

Weirdness Magnet [-15]

Your training has instilled you with

Sense of Duty (Teammates) [-5]

Side effects of the cryostasis include

Partial Amnesia [-10]

Skinny [-5]

Weak Will -2 [-10]


Required Skills - Soldier, Survival (Arctic), Physician and Teaching.

Recommended Skills - Stealth, Fast Draw (Magazine)

Recommended Perks - Walking Armory and Quick Reload (Magazine)

Recommended Advantages - Signature Gear, Night Vision, Reduced Consumption, and consider increasing Perception.

75 point Soldier[edit]

Attributes: 60 points

ST 10 [0]

DX 12 [40]

IQ 10 [0]

HT 12 [20]

Secondary Characteristics: -10

Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.

HP 10 [0]; Will 8 [-10]; Per 10 [0]; FP 12 [0]

Basic Speed 6 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0]

Advantages: 2 points

Reduced Consumption (Water) [1], Signature Gear [1]

Langauges: 1 point

English (Native) [0]

Vietnamese, Khmer, Hmong or French (Broken/Spoken Only) [1]

Perks: 2

Quick Reload (Detachable Magazine) [1], Walking Armory [1]

Disadvantages: -40 points

Partial Amnesia [-10], Sense of Duty (Team) [-5],

Skinny [-5], Weirdness Magnet [-15] and

Pick one of the following

Overconfidence [-5], Incurious [-5], Intolerance [-5],

Trademark [-5] or Truthfulness [-5]

Skills: 54

Guns (Rifle) (DX/E)+6 [20]-18

Guns (Pistol and Shotgun), both (DX/E) Default+1 [1]-17

Guns (Grenade Launcher) (DX/E) Default+1 [1]-15

Swimming (HT/E) [1]-14

Fast Draw (Magazine) (DX/E)+2 [4]-14

Boxing, Spear and Stealth, all (DX/A) [2]-12

Teaching (IQ/A)+2 [8]-12

Knife (DX/E) [1]-12

Drive (Car) and NBC Suit, both (DX/A)-1 [1]-11

Survival (Arctic) (Per/A) [2]-10

Soldier (IQ/A) [2]-10

Physician (IQ/H) [4]-10

Math (Applied) (IQ/H)-2 [1]-8

Technique: 6

Targeted Attack (Rifle/Eye) (H) [6]-14

Now pick a Lens for your area of expertise and your preferred fighting style