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TRINITY SKILL LIST KEY SKILL ABILITY1 Untrained? Appraise Int Yes Autohypnosis Con No Avaocraft Luc (Int) No Balance Dex Yes Bluecraft Int No Bluff Cha Yes Climb Str Yes Concentration Con Yes Control Shape Con No Controlled Breathing Con Yes Craft Int Yes Decipher Script Int No Demolitions Int No Diplomacy Cha Yes Disable Device Int No Disguise Cha Yes Engine Use Int Yes3 Escape Artist Dex Yes Forgery Int Yes Gamble Luc (Wis) Yes Gather Information Cha Yes Handle Animal Cha No Heal Wis Yes3 Hide Dex Yes Intimidate Cha Yes Investigate Int Yes Jikuucraft Int No Jump Str Yes Knowledge Edu (Int) Arcana No Architecture and Engineering No Chaos Theory No Dungeoneering No Geography Yes History Yes Local Yes Meme Theory No Nature No Nobility and Royalty No Psionics No Quantum Theory No Religion No Space No Technology No The Forces No The Planes No Void No Listen Per (Wis) Yes Martial Lore Int No Mimic Voice Int No Move Silently Dex Yes Naturecraft Wis No Navigate Int Yes Nihilcraft Cha No Open Lock Dex No Perform Cha Yes Pilot Dex Yes3 Prayercraft Fai (Wis) No Profession Wis No Psicraft Int No Repair Dex No Research Edu (Int) Yes3 Ride Dex Yes3 Search Per (Wis) Yes Sense Motive Wis Yes Sleight of Hand Dex No Speak Language --- No Spellcraft Int No Spot Per (Wis) Yes Survival Wis Yes Swim Str Yes Techcraft Int No Technique --- No2 Tumble Dex No Use Force Item Magic Cha No Psionic Cha No Technological Int Yes3 Blue Wis No Temporal Int No Chaotic Luc (Wis) Yes Divine Fai (Cha) No Natural Wis No Void Cha No Use Rope Dex Yes 1 Some skills may have two abilities indicated. If the first is not in use in a given campaign, use the second. 2 This skill is exclusive - that is, not only must you be trained to use it, but a character may not even put ranks into it unless the character is of a race or class that grants access to the skill (which may be class or cross-class access.) 3 Only certain uses of this skill can be used untrained.