Talking with Zachary.

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Michael James Watson

Zachary looks like the least trouble of the lot.

Amber Bronkhorst

Alex nods having made a stack for herself like a to do list. She then takes the trump of Zachary he at least deserves an explanation what is going on. From a camping trip to disappearing.and she is curious how his lessons with Brand went. Taking up the trump she calms herself making sure her mark is staying out of it.

  • she is slightly worried after Brand told her the mark could be perfect for attacking with trumps.*

Focusing on Zach his image she tries to make contact.

Michael James Watson

He answers quickly," Hello. This is a surprise. How fare thee?"

Amber Bronkhorst

"Hey there, i want to start of with my sincerest apologies, my camping trip in Arden changed to a position as second Warden and a mission attached to it." She gestures to behind her the Twisted Way of monsters. "But i wanted to ask if you still need help? If so i can join you probably soon. It seems my mission is nearing its end. As the contuation of it is something to be decided by those of higher paygrades." She takes a breath as Alex notices she is rambling. "So how are you? How is your carnival and do you still need assistance?"

Michael James Watson

Zach smiles, "Well, hello! What a pleasant surprise? What?!? Second Warden? So settling in for a thousand years without a day off I suppose. Pity. I was hoping to get you on the boardwalk as as enforcer!” He raises his hand and says to someone out of view, “Hang on, I have to take this.” He continues, “So I was going to offer you a job. You see, my circus and carnival travel with 30 game booths, 10 big rides, 20 medium rides, and 60 small rides. I have 10 food vendors, most of whom double as staff cook joints on the road. I have a 30 booth freak show with everything from fortune tellers to Mad Houses, Shake Shacks and oddity shows. Being a shadowwalker you can imagine that I can get some truly freaky creatures. Of course some are shapechangers so we adjust the Freak factor to what will shock the locals. I have 30 permanent carny games and can call up supplies for hundreds more if I want but usually I pick carnival stuff wherever I go. I travel shadow of course but in the kind of places my show fits there are many struggling carnivals and circuses. So when I find a place I look for struggling carnivals, circuses, medicine shows, the like. Now I change the general appearance of all my stuff and my people know how to play to the locals no matter the tech level. But the people I pick up, well, lets just say their criminal level changes. Carnivals need the grunge element more or less but I have limits. I might pick up 10 to 60 booths depending on the city. I do this to help local carnys push up their profits and make it through the lean times. Sometimes I add whole carnivals to mine. In many shadows there is a unstated understanding that mine is a special show. But I still get a local criminal element. Its unavoidable. “ He takes a big gulp of a beer and a bite of a sausage and mac & cheese, deep fried and on a stick. “I also get a fair amount of both drunk but lovable and drunk and criminal. I've had muggings, even killings. And when I leave shadow...Well, lets just say as Vance likes to say; When the ship lifts, all debts paid. No regrets. I've fed more then one carcass to my pet dragon as I was leaving a shadow. Right now I have a hew of our kin traveling with me but none are really the law an order kind. I was hoping to lure you into a life of greasy food, warm beer and enforcing the public peace. I have a cousin of ours who is an assassin but she isn't much of a law and order type. Luckily she is good at managing the animals.. Pity.... but Second Warden? Damn... that's impressive. “

Amber Bronkhorst

Alex shrugs a bit embarrassed. "Well no not for a thousand years jeesh Duncan asked me to help train a new group. Have to recieve the details yet when and such they are coming and when they are trained jn the ways fitting to the rangers i am possiblybalready done. Duncan knows I'm to young yet to settle in one such a position." She looks kind of disappointed "I was looking forward to helping you, but i do get it if you need help now and assistance. I do not know yet when i am freed up again. " She then laughs "But also working for you would not be permanent. I still have to find my way of course. After such a time i spend following orders. But i might find time to at least visit you and your carnival it has me very curious by now." She says with a big smile.

Michael James Watson

"The kind of help I had in mind for you I always need. I was born in the Amber year 3801. Its 5290 now. In that time I've learned the trick to immortality is finding your grove. I was born in the Circus and raised in it but I've been other things. I served in the military of Amber for over a hundred years. In shadow almost 400. I went to Rasak. I did a hundred years in the Navy. Did tours and posts for over a hundred years in the service of Amber. But I kept coming back to the big top. Every duty i had i was invariably running shows, doing the stage. Telling jokes. Dealing with Animals.. It was always the circus for me. So when my mother grew sick i returned to help her run her circus. She was Deryni so long lived, and being Flora's wife recieved the benefit of certain life enlongating treatements. But eventually her time came and she chose to meet it. So i took over the circus and its been my bliss. You are young. You have many things to do till you find your bliss. What I am offering is not meant to be a life time gig. You woulld be giving Asher a break. He has been doing the gig of Circus sheriff for a lot of years. "

Amber Bronkhorst

Alex smiles listening nodding slowly. "hm i see, well yeah that is also my point, i just found out who i actually am, or well my full parentage, alot of doors have opened which i have not concidered to be an option for me as of yet. But it does appeal to play a sherrif for a bit, " Alex thinks for a moment thumbing the iron spike then a slight smile appears. "so does the carnival have a steady route? or circulation? I might have an idea how to kill two birds with one stone so to speak. There are these spikes that call forth beasts from this Twisted Way behind me. Certain places got them, and some shadows or shades have found a way to remove them from their place. They need to be returned." She wraps a few curls around her finger which she regularly does when thinking. "How about i suggest that to Duncan who needs to have this fixed anyway, moving with a carnival is way less suspicious then invading a shadow with an army. " She then stops and smiles a more calm smile "if you agree of course. and while traveling or not on that business i can act as your enforcer and sherrif. "

Michael James Watson

"You are on the Twisted Way? At Beasthold itself? Really? Well you sure as hell get around.....Oberon kept it something of a secret. Julian, Caine, Eric, Benedict, and myself to the best of my knowledge were the only ones who knew of it. Is Deirdre still there? Shes from a shade where Amber as a kingdom failed. There were no more children after Gerard. I was there to wrangle a beast our uncles wanted to kill but Oberon wanted breaking. I have....skills in that trade. It took some doing and i was greviously injured and healed elswhere. Thats all I know of the place. Ah... just a second." He looks over the trump. " Listen Rafe, I have to take this. Look the place over. Go see how Len is doing with Slugger. I'll find you later." After a moment or three her returns. "Alex, be careful there. One thing i remember is that there is some powerful construct. Powerful enough that when i was hurt Oberon had me taken from the world immediately. Its highly dangerous. " He starts another beer. "AS for your carnival idea, I have a gig here for 3 weeks but i can get a rolling group ready in a couple of hours. Enough to seem respectable. The places need to be reasonably urban. I can put a carny together a group that will appear but be able to kick ass to; knife throwers. Lions, tigers, and bears, and oh my. I have a half dozen very tough clowns. "

Amber Bronkhorst

ALex looks a bit worried after the warning of Zachary a frown forming on her face. She can't help but look past her contact for a moment to check who might be moving near her. she then answers in a bit more hushed tone. "Queen Deirdre i am not to worried about, more the shade of myself who seems to have a bit of an anger, jealousy and attitude issue. SHe didn't like the idea i might be closer to the real thing than she is. She thinks i as well am a shade. And she doesn't like the fact that i know who my father is and she doesn't. She seems opposite at points.. even her mark... errr i mean well opposite at things. " She holds up her hand. "i first have to check with others really, It is a mission i'm put on by Duncan but it has spread now to the safety of more then only Arden. One of the spikes is in the castle of Amber which might have some concequences as i understand it from here. Let me get back to you about that, and it seems you got your hands full as well. some new carnies joined your circus? And i do not know how urban we can stay, the spikes belong to shades of Amber. Let me run it by those in higher command. You know how it goes. " She almost wants to say bye but then changes her mind. "What kind of beast did you need to wrangle? So far what appears here are monsters that seem fairly doable in battel or hunts. Well except the pegasus. "

Michael James Watson

"Well, good luck to you. Let me know if you need my guys but they probably are not suitable to your environment, Urban, modern, guns and laser and all.