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Name: Randall Sebastian (Rand) Porter (assumed name) AKA Talos, The Man of Bronze

Heroic Form: Heroic build, seemingly made of bronze and winged, dressed in ancient-style armour, with "power gauntlets"

Complications: Guilt; Identity (Secret); Responsibility

Gender: Male, Age: 28, Height: 6', Eyes: Brown Hair: Dark

Power Level: 11

Power Points: 174 (Abilities 58, Defences 9, Skills, 33, Advantages 15, Powers 59)

1 pp towards saucer

Hero Points: 3

Strength 5 Agility 2 Fighting 6 Awareness 4 Stamina 10 Dexterity 0 Intelligence 0 Presence 2

Dodge 3/5 Parry 0/5 Toughness 0/15 Fortitude 0/10 Will 6/10


Athletics 7/12, Close Attack (Morphing Fists) 5/11, Close Attack (Grappling) 2/7, Deception 8/10, Expertise (Animal Behaviour) 10/10, Insight 9/13, Perception 4/8, Persuasion 9/11, Stealth 6/8, Treatment 6/6


Animal Empathy, Favoured Environment: Air; Improved Critical 4 (Morphing Fists), Interpose, Power Attack, All-Out Attack, Luck 3 (1), Takedown 2, Ultimate Toughness


Immunity (cold and breath normally underwater)

Looks Like Everything And Everyone (Morph 4, Enhanced Advantage 2 (Attractive 2)) (22)

Resilient Body (Protection 5) (5)

Regeneration 5 (5)

Springs (Leaping 7 (7))

--Alternate Effect: Wings (Flight 7) (1)

--Alternate Effect: Fins (Swim 7: speed 5 (1)

--Alternate Effect: Picks and Shovels (Burrowing 7) (1)

Boneless Stretchy Arms (Elongation 5, Enhanced Advantage 3 (Improved Grab, Improved Hold)) (7)

Morphing Attack Limbs (Damage 5) (5)

--Alternate Effect: Wind Blast (Move Object 10 (One Direction Only, Cone, Reduced Range: Close, Reduced Duration: Concentration (1))

Senses (Vision) Counter Illusion 2 (2)


The War has changed Rand in some profound ways. He has learnt to trust others (a very big step) and to work with others on a team, and he is haunted by the guilt of causing the deaths of children, forced to become soldiers, and of animals, "collateral damage" in a war they did not understand, and by the fact that he caused a great deal of death and suffering, and for no more than money, at least when he first joined up with The Terror.

"Collateral damage", of any kind, is no longer acceptable to him; this is his chance to make things right, and he's not going to waste it.

Equipment (5 points)

Night vision binocular goggles (x10 range) (1)

Commlink (1)

Cell Phone


Utility Belt