Tapestry PL18
Alternate Identity: The WEAVER OF SOUL Group Affiliation: None First Appearance: WILDCATS #13 Power Level: 18 (270pp)
Str: 14 (+1) Dex: 18 (+4) Con: 17 (+3) Int: 16 (+3) Wis: 18 (+4) Cha: 19 (+4) Total: 42pp
Base Attack Bonus: 8 Melee: 13 Ranged: 12 Total: 24pp
Base Defense Bonus: 8 Adjusted Defense Bonus: +13 Initiative: +4 Cost: 16pp
SAVES Damage: +3/+6 (evasion) Fort: +3 Ref: + 6 (lightning reflex) Will: +4
Powers: SORCERY+10: [mind control, neutralize (mystical only, extra: block), telepathy (extra: memory alteration), illusion, mental blast +6 (extra: psychic sedation), shape matter, dimensional travel (extra: portal)Source: mystical; Cost: 110pp.)
Total: 110pp
Attack Focus (blades), Dodge, Expertise, Lightning Reflexes, Evasion, Attack finesse, Attractive, Leadership, Sidekick, Minions (loyalty 23), Immunity Aging, assessment, Darkvision, Startle, Mystic awareness Cost: 30pp
Acrobatics +5, Balance +5, Bluff +9/+7 (attractive), concentration +8, diplomacy + 9/+7 (attractive), Forgery +6, Gather information +8/+6 (attractive), Intimidate +8, Knowledge (occult lore) +8, language +2, medicine +6, perform +9/+7 (attractive), sense motive +7, taunt +6 Total: 38
Grand Total: 270pp