Teen Demigods Marcus

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Marcus Teller[edit]


STR 16

DEX 13

CON 14

INT 13

WIS 16

CHA 13


Valkyrie of Hel

Can't get the med school grades

Surrounded by conflict



Heroes with the Death Word may command undead in their presence as an action, ordering up to one Mob of any size. Greater undead get a Spirit saving throw to resist, and cannot be commanded to self-destruct. As an On Turn action, they also know the details of what, where, and how anything died or is dying within 100 feet of them.


Heroes with the Sword Word treat all their weapon or unarmed attacks as magical, cannot be disarmed, and can summon any melee weapon they've ever used immediately to hand as an Instant action.


Godbound of War may raise either their Intelligence or Wisdom scores to 16, or to 18 if the score is already 16 or higher. They automatically grant a Morale score of 12 to all allied NPCs under their command. Many of their gifts apply to soldiers in their service, a status which includes any creature armed for military service who considers itself subject to the Godbound's orders. PCs are never included in this definition, but can still qualify as companions.


General's Escort[edit]

(Action) Commit Effort for the day. You call up one or more Small Mobs of divine soldiers who are suicidally loyal to you, creating one Mob for every three levels you have, rounded up. These Mobs have the statistics of veteran soldiers, a hit bonus equal to your character level, magical weapons for the purposes of harming supernatural creatures,and can perform any service human servants could. This gift can be used only once per day, and no more than the maximum allowed number of Mobs can exist at any one time. One Large Mob can be called in place of two Small Mobs, and one Vast Mob in place of two Large Mobs. The soldiers created by this gift may or may not have individual identities depending on the preference of the Godbound,but if slain, these individuals can still be re-summoned with the next use of this gift.

Mantle of Quietus[edit]

(Action) Commit Effort for the scene. To assail you brings death. Any lesser foe that tries to physically harm you suffers 1 point of damage before their attack is resolved, with Mobs taking a 1d20 normal die. Foes with multiple attacks per round suffer the damage only once per round.

Pavis of Blood and Iron[edit]

Mobs of soldiers in your service have an invulnerable defense against the attacks of creatures who are lesser foes to you while you are present on the battlefield. This immunity does not benefit individual soldiers, but only allied formations of Small Mob size or larger. Most hostile forces will break and flee after a few rounds of fighting such obviously invincible troops. This gift cannot be used as a miracle.

Thirsting Razor[edit]

Commit Effort. You always hit lesser foes with your melee attacks. No attack roll is necessary, but this benefit applies only to actual melee weapon or unarmed attacks, and not to other effects that involve hitting a foe to inflict a hostile effect.

Withhold Mercy[edit]

Those reduced to zero hit dice or hit points within 200 feet of you automatically stabilize or die as your wish. If you desire it, willing living creatures at zero HD or hit points around you may continue to act for as many rounds as you have levels before they unavoidably fall dead.


Marcus grew up as a military brat. A kind hearted child his ambition was to be a doctor, empathic to those in pain. When Freyja claimed him as her own he saw this as an opportunity, he could become a Valkyrie, the one who gave warriors their final succor. It wasn't quite a military doctor, but intellectually it all seemed to be to the same end. Still, no matter how hard he tries to emulate this lifestyle both in the godly and mortal parts of his life his efforts seem to come to naught, to his eternal frustration.

Marcus believes his divine parent to be Freyja and indeed she is the one who has claimed him. However unbeknownst to him he is a an adoption, his original mother, Hel has cast him into the world, perhaps relying on Freyja's charity for her own schemes.