Tepet Ahatu
Character Details[edit]
Name: Tepet Ahatu
Concept: Found Egg
Aspect: Earth (Anima Banner: Rocks and stones)
Motivation: Return House tepet to Glory and through it the Empire to Greatness
- Born as the son of a moderately wealthy (but "new money") merchant family
- Exalted at 16, chose the coin after a brief schooling at the obsidian mirror
- After graduating from Pasiaps Stair, he was given command of a scale of imperial troops and quickly rose to lead a talon
- When house Tepet lost most of its troops to the Bull of the North and started seeking out outcastes and lost eggs to replenish their ranks, he was adopted into the house and recently also engaged to Tepet Alina
- Met Tepet Vergus Makashi briefly while his talon was serving in the north, then later at a function of House Tepet
Personality and Outlook:
- Stoic and calm, especially among people he doesn't know well
- Completely loyal to both realm and house Tepet (and at this point unable to imagine that these loyalties might ever conflict in any major way - when this happens, he will likely choose the house, though)
- Believes most of the official teachings of the Realm and the immaculate order
- Inexperienced in social surroundings - while he knows how to behave himself, intrigues and the finest points of etiquette are still beyond him
Apperance: Tall, broad and muscular, it is obvious that he spends more time fighting than discussing finer arts or political maneuverings. His black hair is short, and he usually wears either his armor or the most practical clothing that is still socially acceptable.
Strength 4
Dexterity 2
Stamina 4
Charisma 3
Manipulation 2
Appearance 2
Perception 3
Intelligence 3
Wits 3
Linguistics 2 (N: Low Realm, High Realm, Riverspeak) Lore 2 Thrown 1
Awareness 2 Craft 3 Integrity 3 Resistance 4 War 5 (Tactics +1)
Athletics 2 F: Melee 3 F: Presence 2 Socialize 2
Bureaucracy 2 F: Martial Arts 4 (In Armor +1)
Archery 2 Medicine 1 Performance 1 Ride 1 Survival 1
Allies 1 (Tepet Alina) Manse 1 (Stone of Secure Footing, +3 dice for staying on ones feet on solid ground) Connections (Merchants) 2 Connections (Military) 2 Resources 2 Retainers 1 Breeding 1 Command 2 (1 talon of imperial troops) Artifact 2:
- Jade Hearthstone Bracers
- Jade Daiklave
Flaw-Finding Examination Unsleeping Earth Meditation Ox-Body Technique Second War Excellency Dragon-Graced Weapon Five-Dragon Claw Five-Dragon Fortitude
Compassion 2 Temperance 2 Conviction 3 Valor 3
Willpower 6 Essence 2 Personal 9 Peripheral 13 | 22 Commited: 9
Weapons and Armor:
Spear Reinforced Breastplate