Thaddius Cain

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Dark Heresy: A Requiem for Innocence

Thaddius Cain[edit]

  • Career: Adept
  • Career Rank: 1
  • Homeworld: Schola Progenium
  • Divination: “In the darkness, follow the light of Terra”
  • Height: 1.85m
  • Weight: 70kg
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Hair: Dyed white
  • Skin: Dark, warts
  • Age: 22


If Thaddius were to stand upright his tall, lithe frame would become apparent, but years of flinching before his masters' blows and bowing over a writing desk has led him to hunch his body into the folds of his Administratum robes as if he would rather not exist at all. Those who get a look under the hood of his cloak are met by piercing blue eyes set deep into a black, wart-ravaged face. His only concession to vanity is his carefully bleached white hair. Otherwise Thaddius looks like another ordinary bureaucrat going about is ordinary bureaucratic day - indeed he is so good at giving this impression that people often fail to remember him at all.


Current History
WS 33 -
BS 34 -
S 30 -
T 32 -
Ag 29 -
Int 41 36 +5
Per 34 29 +5
WP 33 35 +3 -5
Fel 31 36 -5

Wounds: 11/11
Fate Points: 3
Insanity Points: 0


  • Command (Fel): 31%
  • Common Lore (Imperial Guard) (Int): 41%
  • Common Lore (Imperium) (Int): 41%
  • Common Lore (Tech) (Int): 41%
  • Inquiry (Fel): 31%
  • Literacy (Int): 41%
  • Security (Ag): 29%
  • Search (Per): 34%
  • Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int): 41%
  • Trade (Copyist) (Int): 41%


  • Basic Weapon Training (SP)
  • Light Sleeper: as awake for purposes of Awareness Tests, Surprise, getting up in a hurry; grumpy, distracted.
  • Melee Weapon Training (Primitive)
  • Paranoia: +2 Initiative, GM may secretly test Per to spot hidden threats.
  • Pistol Training (Las)
  • Pistol Training (SP)
  • Resistance (Cold): +10 to Tests to resist or avoid cold.
  • Unremarkable: -20 to attempts to notice him when among other people or to describe/recall details about him.


  • Schola Education: Common Lores (Administratum, Ecclesiarchy, Imperial Creed, Imperium, War) (Int) and Scholastic Lore (Philosophy) (Int) are Basic Skills.
  • Skill at Arms: begin play with Basic Weapon Training (Las/SP), Melee Weapon Training (Primitive) and Pistol Training (Las/SP).
  • Sheltered Upbringing: -10 on Charm, Command, Deceive and Scrutiny Tests vs worst examples of humanity (cultists, traitors, gutter scum, mutants, etc.).
  • Tempered Will: Very Hard WP Tests are at -20 instead of the normal -30.


  • Administratum Robes/Nondescript civvies.
  • Flak Cloak: 3 AP (Head, Body, Arms & Legs), 8kg Wt
  • Spare clip
  • Chrono
  • Auto Quill
  • Data-Slate
  • Writing Kit
  • Multikey: +30 on Security Test to open locks.
  • Ocular Catechizer: +10 on Literacy, Lore and Search Tests dealing with close examination of objects, symbols and deciphering written text.
  • Backpack


Name Class Range RoF Dam Pen Clip Special Rld Wt
Orthlak Mark IV Thollos Autopistol Pistol 30m S/-/6 1d10+4 I 0 12 - Full 2.5kg

Name Class Range Dam Pen Special Wt
Combat Knife Melee - 1d5+3 R 0 Primitive 3kg


  • Total: 400
  • Spent: 400

Rank 1[edit]

  • Munitorium Quastor 100 XP
  • Int +5 100 XP
  • Per +5 100 XP
  • Resistence (Cold) 100 XP


Thaddius was the runt of the litter. His earliest memories are of being beaten by his mother and father for not living up to their image of the budding military hero of the Empire. Instead, Thaddius learnt to sneak, scheme and tattle. When his parents were both killed in some heroic last stand or other, Thaddius was secretly glad to be rid of them. That gladness did not last long: the Schola was even tougher and more unforgiving than his parents had been. At least it helped him develop his talents and showed him how he could use his intelligence in the service of his beloved Emperor. When he graduated, his military background and hatred for the mere cogs in the military machine made him a perfect choice for a Munitorium Quastor. Thaddius left the Schola convinced of his own superiority over those pathetic idiots who just carry the Emperor's weapons into meat-grinder after meat-grinder, just like his parents did.